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Yukult as a starter culture

Anyone using Yukult as a starter cutlure for ferments? It's basically a bottle of Lactabacillus so should work..? Would be simpler than straining the juice from yoghurt or making the hooch starter
looking at the ingredients I would stay away from that stuff, its 18% sugar, that's a red flag right their. High sugar can stunt fermentation.
Nutrition Facts
Standard Yakult contains 18g of sugar for every 100g, but comes in 65 mL bottles. This concentration is higher than the level defined as “HIGH” by the UK Food Standards Agency (described for concentrations of sugar above 15g per 100g) [http://www.eatwell.gov.uk/healthydiet/nutritionessentials/fatssugarssalt/sugars/] . As a comparison Coca-Cola and orange juices are in the range of 10g of sugar per 100g, but with a serving size usually higher than 250 ml the total sugar quantity is higher. Based on the content of milk protein (1.4 g per 100 mL [http://www.yakulteurope.com/index.cfm?menuid=2&ContentID=14] ), it is not classified as a flavoured fermented milk of the Codex Standard for Fermented Milks. However, based on the existence of many products like Yakult in the world market, a new category is going to be established into the current Codex Standard for Fermented Milks."