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Fruity Fatalii Fire Hot Sauce


While I'm waiting for our friends from Oz to start making sauces using this year's harvest, I decided to make some room in the freezer and throw a sauce of my own together the other day.

I was thinking tropical, fruity, not red, with a kick. Here's where I went.

Some of the original ingredients for the concoction. I did end up changing a few things as I kept digging around the kitchen. Things like out with the honey, in with agave nectar, lime juice instead of lemon juice, added pineapple and ginger. (redskin potatoes not included):lol:


Diced up and on the stove to cook for a while.

Blended then refrigerated overnight to check for separation. Brought back to room temp and checked pH.


I was surprised the pH was so low so I took a look at the "new" white wine vinegar I decided to try. I was expecting 5%, but it is 6%. I got concerned I may have added too much of it and/or lime juice. Felt much better after I tasted it.

So, I brought it back to boiling and bottled it up. It came out just about how I wanted – good mango/pineapple/fatalii flavor and sweetness with a nice kick. The only problems I have with it are it’s a little thick (more like a shake sauce instead of a pour sauce) and it made way more than I was expecting!
Now thats a tasty looking sauce.

Its always a bit hard to judge the correct consistency, I aim for a runny poor now so that once the bottles in the fridge its thickens up and is on the dot.

Happy eating
That looks really nice, DownRiver. and the ingredients sound like they go together well.

I'd be happy to take care of any of those extra bottles you ended up with. :wink: :wink:

Interesting note on the vinegar also.

You have made something on the lines of what I have prepared last week.
But I have used Bhuts and Bhoots only with tropical fruits and a host of spices.
Can't wait to open the bottle this week.

Your must be tasty too.
Please report about the taste.

Thanks to all for the kind words.:)

I'm liking this sauce more and more each day. Barbecued a pork loin over the weekend and used this as a finishing sauce - not bad. The next day, I used it like a condiment and slathered it on some bread for a nice sliced pork sandwich. The flavor has developed a little more (fruity with a subtle sweetness), and the heat has maintained that nice fatalii kick. Good stuff!

salsalady said:
I'd be happy to take care of any of those extra bottles you ended up with.

I'd be honored to have you try it SL. If you're interested, send me a PM and I'll be happy to send a bottle out to 'ya. I'd like to hear what you think of it.:)

JungleRain said:
so what exactly did you put in it....or is it a trade secret? ;)
if it tastes as good as it looks, I'd love to give it a try?????

Not a trade secret as yet JR, I'm still just doing it for fun. I actually wrote it down as I was concocting. I'll see if I can find it for 'ya.
Fruity Fatalii Fire Hot Sauce

16 oz Fatalii peppers (stemmed)

28 oz Mango, diced (3 Mangoes)

3 oz Carrot, chopped (2 Carrots)

6 oz Onion, diced (1 med)

15 oz Pineapple Rings w/juice (1 can)

1 Cup White Wine Vinegar

1/2 Cup Lime Juice

2 tsp Kosher Salt

1/2 Cup Agave Nectar

1 tsp Garlic, chopped (2 cloves)

2 tsp Ginger, grated (about an inch?)

Combine all ingredients into non-reactive pan. Cover and bring to a boil, then simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove lid and continue simmer until excess liquids evaporate, approximately 15 minutes. Let cool. Blend in blender to desired consistency. Refrigerate overnight to let flavors develop and check for separation. Re-heat to boiling, then fill hot sterilized bottles, cap and invert.

Makes (14) 5oz woozies.

Very nice, fruity flavor with the taste of mango initially, then fades to a subtle pineapple taste, followed in short order with a nice Fatalii kiss. Great on pork, chicken and grits so far.

Breakfast - Grits all dressed up.

DownRiver, just sent you a PM.
Thanks again folks. As with any recipe it can stand a tweak or two, but all in all, it came out pretty good. Hopefully some of you will give it a try. I think its worth making this one again someday.

DownRiver, just sent you a PM.

I replied (I think). Still struggling with the new (and improved?) THP.

That sounds and looks delicious. I'm with SL if you have extras lol. Looks like perfection in a bottle to me, has to taste great.

I'd be happy to send you a sample as well PF. If you're interested, just send me a PM and cross your fingers that I can find/read it. :lol:
I just checked PM, and I didn't have any new messages, but there were 8 old messages out of 22 old messages that were showing up as new messages. I'll check back in a while, things are probably just getting settled in and will show up soon. thanks!