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i was talking to ed currie today and i asked him when the hp22b seeds are hitting the market and he told me early september so i heard it from the man himself now everyone knows..
I dunno if I'll buy them I've got so many super hot seedlings its hard to see the point to go after whats hot so to speak

One reason, money.

If you were the first to get them and able to grow plants saving seeds, cuttings, other propagation techniques the $ would be worth the work.

There was a post not so long ago on THP about moruga scorpion seeds/plants on ebay and the huge prices people were charging. I do remember a post where someone mentioned he could make 30k from 100 plants (Live plants going for $300). I personally don't believe it's very realistic but stranger things have happened.

Using a real price and try not to forget few (Especially with a small market in Australia) sales, then give ebay their cut, you won't make a fortune or pay off a mortgage but you could make a nice bit of cash.

Just my 2 cents.
One reason, money.

That is what it is about -- figure they have already packed up 100,000 seed packets for the introduction so figure 100,000 x $10 + $5 shipping minus the actual $2 shipping cost and $1 package and supplies and they are looking to make a quick $1.5 Mil - 300K or 1.2 million Dollars (at least this is what they are hoping to make if it sells the way they think it will ! ) -- So yep it's all about the $$
Personally I'm not going to buy any of these seeds until GWR's says its the next World's hottest pepper. For me this would be a novelty pepper and until its proves it claims i'm not going to feed the money machine.
I thought PepperJoe had these in the market place already? But their like a buck a seed.

According to his posts they go on sale labor day weekend and they have 100,000 packs of 10 seeds ready to ship at $9.99 per pack + $4.50 shipping -- so that is where the math I used came from -- and figure from what I've heard it is a 4 man operation so not bad money if they make it - and just like the seed sellers on E-bay by the time any one actually grows it and finds out if it is indeed a hotter pepper or not the $$ is in the bank and they move on to the next thing !
According to his posts they go on sale labor day weekend and they have 100,000 packs of 10 seeds ready to ship at $9.99 per pack + $4.50 shipping -- so that is where the math I used came from -- and figure from what I've heard it is a 4 man operation so not bad money if they make it - and just like the seed sellers on E-bay by the time any one actually grows it and finds out if it is indeed a hotter pepper or not the $$ is in the bank and they move on to the next thing !

Yup i totally agree. Its all about making some jingle. Besides there are soooo many actual chili heads on THP that seeds will be getting tossed around eventually. Seems like the love for peppers is turning into greed and money. Very saddening.
Yeah, I think I will be waiting to buy these until I see some reliable HPLC lab reports that substantiate the claim. I don't think $1 a seed is really outrageous IF the claims are true AND the pepper gets the World record.

I'm also sure there will be dozens of fake seed sellers on Ebay within days of the release cutting into the legitimate profits.

IMO If they had really wanted to do this right they would have held back all the promotion and marketing etc... until after the Guinness record was set. Then released the seeds after all the free publicity that comes with the Guinness record.
Sure does look like my 7 Pot Primo. Tail and all.

So, if you don't mind me asking......where did Ed obtain the mother seed? How long has he been breeding this pepper and what F generation is he on?

It may be all a coinsidence, but I'm quite curious. The office of intelectual property at UL Lafyette may also be quite curious.

its really sad how all the talk is about it being the worlds hottest....

Why not talk about the cancer research?

That's how I know some of the people involved are crooks with handbags!
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