• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
Pretty strawberry you got there :D. It looks exactly like the pheno KING has. I have 3/4 that already popped and the last one is showing the tap root already.

That peach Jays look cool. I saw the choco big bang naga pod! That's awesome, the one I have growing in hydro is doing great and I can't wait for it to start flowering and then pod up. Hopefully......

, Walter
JasoninTN said:
Those bubble gum pods look great. Have you got to try any of them yet. Good flavor? Hot?


meatfreak said:
Good to see your Bubblegum is red on the head :lol: I'm still waiting for mine to turn also! Have you tried it?

I haven't tryed one yet. That's the first pod to ripen completely, and start to show red on the calyx. The other pods are almost completely red on the plant. I am letting the first few pods get over ripe for seeds and to see how far the red will go up the stem. I have the first pods on the #2 & #3 plant starting to turn too. Will be interesting if either calyx turns red on those.
Strangely cool looking for sure!
Vegas_Chili said:
Pretty strawberry you got there :D. It looks exactly like the pheno KING has. I have 3/4 that already popped and the last one is showing the tap root already.

That peach Jays look cool. I saw the choco big bang naga pod! That's awesome, the one I have growing in hydro is doing great and I can't wait for it to start flowering and then pod up. Hopefully......

, Walter
Thanks Walter! I do like strawberries ;) I ment to point out the big bang to you but forgot in a hurrying of late night posting. The picture really didn't do the pod justice. I haven't seen the garden since Sunday, about to take a walk thru! Work has been demanding , and getting home after dark.
Glad KD's seeds popped! You will be the first to see if the calyces stay in the next generation. I'm wanting to cross that one with a few things just to see if it will show back up. Atm, i am like the #2 plant more so. It has larger than normal calyces, but not the sea monster hands that try to hold on and keep the pod from growing out of them calyces like the #1 does. My #3 plant has pods just like the #2, but with normal calyx. Not counting that one out either, as it's just as possibly to have the red calyx and stems. Less likely, but as unstable as these are, it's always possible.
Looking forward to the peach pods! Saw a peach but also starting to turn. Take care my friend!
You got it going on there!
I'm with Greg, how's the taste comparison going with all those fantastic looking pods?
Really glad to see the ass kicking going on in Ga.!
Jay loving da photos of your jungle, plants and pods …. Great job! I enjoyed reading your madballz 7 red review, great picture of it halved but think I’ll pass growing one based on your experience. That said, the burgundy one looks killer too, let’s hope its more to your liking :)
Have a great week mon!
Vegas_Chili said:
Dude! Show us a sign of life lol!!! J/k :D.

What's up Jay? How's that pepper forest doing? Hope everything doing well, take care.

Still kicking it Walter! Was out of town for almost a week. Did not make it home tonight after work in time to see the garden. Had a few plants fallen over yesterday when i made it back. Got about twenty minutes before dark yesterday. Enough time to to get the plants back up. Both my aji pineapples and a peach bhut were completely laying down. Others leaning over. Rearranged a bunch of support stakes. So is good now.
Must have stormed bad at some point. Even started raining right after my quick garden attack. And rained more than once today.
Hoping to pick some peppers in the morning before work, if i can get up anyway. There are a ton ready for the picking. Ate a few peppers today at lunch, two of mine and three from others guys gardens. Details in a few.
Also had a bahamian goat pepper with my dinner. So good. One everyone should grow.
Also came home last night, fixed something quick. Grabbed a Scotch bonnet to go with my food. Was eating the bonnet like an apple. I was starving. Next thing i know... my mouth is on fire. I look at the bonnet and realize it's really a 7 pot yellow. 3/4 of the pepper gone, core and all before i realized. Wasn't quite what i was planning. That yel 7 was on the upper side. :D
Trippa said:
You have the perfect little Forest setting there bro!!  Great pods and plants and unusual animal species ... must be the huge amount of capsaicin mutating the local wildlife?? ;)
Thanks Trippa. If capsaicin mutates animal life, i am in big trouble. Have a ton to share. Pods are ripening everywhere. Hopefully have time + daylight soon to do so. :D
Hope things are coming along for you. Saw the slight leaf issue you are having somewhere during my trip. Glad everything has popped and is growing, regardless of how they look. They will grow out of it, I'm sure.
WalkGood said:
Jay loving da photos of your jungle, plants and pods . Great job! I enjoyed reading your madballz 7 red review, great picture of it halved but think Ill pass growing one based on your experience. That said, the burgundy one looks killer too, lets hope its more to your liking :)
Have a great week mon!
Thank you Ramon.
The madballz is still unstable, so you roll dice and see what you get. The other is looking good and will be test tasted soon. It is definitely not red, so hoping it taste better.
You have a great week too.
Cheers GA!! General consensus with the leaf issue as I suspected after a little bit of thinking that it was sun scald. Not surprising ... Today on my balcony out of the wind its been up to 33C ...winter ... Yeah right
Dang! That's a big relief, I thought you got lost in that forest. Next time you won't be able to get out of there without a machete lol.

How was your vacation?

So... I week worth of updates. I know it's gonna be epic :D .

, Walter
Trippa said:
Cheers GA!! General consensus with the leaf issue as I suspected after a little bit of thinking that it was sun scald. Not surprising ... Today on my balcony out of the wind its been up to 33C ...winter ... Yeah right
That's good news. They will grow right past that in no time. Just made it thru your glog. Hope you kick the illness that is getting at you soon!

Today's peppertime at work was a good one. I brought in these guys.

Trin choc scotch bonnet and Jay's red ghost scorp.
One of the guys brought in his first red douglah and red bhut. My boss brought a red brainstrain.
First off the choc scotch bons haveva great flavor. Without any placenta, there is a taste somewhere around green grapes, apple and honeysuckle. A bit of placenta adds a bit of bitterness, but evens out with the flavor. Really a great tasting pepper. Did not taste like what i had expected, and in the case tasted better. Seeds were from judy @pepperlover.com.
Next ate some red bhut. A flavor i already know i like. Then the red douglah. More of the battery acid/chem taste with a 7 pot floral ness. I bit hotter than the bhut. The red brain was much hotter. Way more 7 pot floral fruitiness, and hot. Slow start but punishing with this pod. And lastly the ghost scorp. Interesting flavor! Not like any of the other pods we had there. Was hot almost instantly, but not bad. After a few minutes the heat built. And built. Then by 4 or 5 started to go down, but then came back even stronger. And it continued for almost 12 minutes coming in waves. I kept thinking it was finally plateauing, but then would just burn more. It finally did start to go down and what seemed way longer than it was, was probably 15 minutes total. That one had me on the verge on panicking for a few minutes. I really enjoyed the flavor. It stood out will a different taste, but still stole some of the bhut better attributes im thinking taste wise. It really didn't smell that pungent to me, as expected anyway.
Sorry, i didn't get any pict from the peppertime. We did have four new people try peppers with us, and that was a success there alone. But it was a nice spread with five peppers layed out.
Thinking about Jay's peach or the other madballz pheno for tomorrow.
Lots going on in the garden. Will try to share when time allows.
Vegas_Chili said:
Dang! That's a big relief, I thought you got lost in that forest. Next time you won't be able to get out of there without a machete lol.

How was your vacation?

So... I week worth of updates. I know it's gonna be epic :D .

, Walter
Vacation was killer. Rest, a few good beers and good food. Got too much sun but happens when at the beach for days, all day. :D Not that excited to have gone back to work today though :(
Update will be a good one. Saw peach bhuts ripening, one to red even. Giant white habs. A grip of Jay's peach. Infinitys. Sepia serps. Jonahs. TSMBs. Blondes. Sunrise scorps too! And many more. Going to be my biggest harvest yet if i can ever get out there.
But... now I gotta do that thing that your city never does. Yup. Sleep.
Off to la la land, hot pepper dreams and all.
Boy oh boy did I have a lot of catching up to do. Wonderful things to see and read. Did you ever try the naga cross? I forget with what cuz it was three pages back!!! Well done GH. I must keep up from now on
GA Growhead said:
Vacation was killer. Rest, a few good beers and good food. Got too much sun but happens when at the beach for days, all day. :D Not that excited to have gone back to work today though :(
Update will be a good one. Saw peach bhuts ripening, one to red even. Giant white habs. A grip of Jay's peach. Infinitys. Sepia serps. Jonahs. TSMBs. Blondes. Sunrise scorps too! And many more. Going to be my biggest harvest yet if i can ever get out there.
But... now I gotta do that thing that your city never does. Yup. Sleep.
Off to la la land, hot pepper dreams and all.
That's good, I loved the beach life when I was younger. I used to go jogging, fishing, mountain biking, kayaking, hiking, hunting, and what not, especially on spring break when there's a lot Women, beer, and lots of clubs.

Vegas is crap in comparison, to me at least. I like nature and a more greener ecosystem, not a city...

Glad you got a lot of coloring up, can't wait for the updates :D .

, Walter
Sanarda said:
Boy oh boy did I have a lot of catching up to do. Wonderful things to see and read. Did you ever try the naga cross? I forget with what cuz it was three pages back!!! Well done GH. I must keep up from now on
Hi Pia! I did try that cross. Naga morich x jonah 7! Nice flavor and moderate heat. Only the first pod off the plant though. Saw a few more starting to ripen up tonight. That first pod was high hab heat at the most, the newer pods might be hotter.
Thanks Pia. After all the work getting things going, it's really been on autopilot w/all this rain we have been getting. I see a few areas in the rows are looking light, so need to add some worm casting and fertilizer to them this weekend. Plants are going off!
I didn't get any pictures outside, but going to take some pod shots soon. Something to keep you entertained if you are keeping an eye on me. ;)
Glad to see you in here.
WalkGood said:
Enjoyed the pepper/s reviewed at work ... boy I need a job like that, seems low presure and lots of fun, great write up!
Thank you Ramon. I am fortunate that my boss is a bit of a chilli head. Most of our pepper time is off the clock at lunch break. It lingers on afterward sometimes. I'm in the printing industry, so plenty of stress along with deadlines. The peppertime does make it better for sure.
Today's peppertime with a hot one too!

Brown egg, both madballz 7 phenos, and my first Jay's peach ghost scorp.
More to come on that.
Stefan_W said:
The Jay's Ghost sure has some serious gnarl to it!
Yes it does Stefan. The shapes are all over the place, but all pretty gnarly. The peach ones are just at gnarly, & as i found out today. Just as hot. They both stole the show.
MGOLD86 said:
Looking great man, gotta love the panic mode! Always crazy when you think it is over only to get hit again!
Panic mode is not my favorite, but love to walk that line. That red Jay's was crazy like that. It just kept coming back harder and harder. Today's peach Jay's didn't do that. It was solid punishment that wouldn't let up. :D
Vegas_Chili said:
That's good, I loved the beach life when I was younger. I used to go jogging, fishing, mountain biking, kayaking, hiking, hunting, and what not, especially on spring break when there's a lot Women, beer, and lots of clubs.

Vegas is crap in comparison, to me at least. I like nature and a more greener ecosystem, not a city...

Glad you got a lot of coloring up, can't wait for the updates :D .

, Walter
I can only handle so much time at the beach. I get over the sand being everywhere it can get pretty quick. It was a nice get a way. Glad to be back, minus the back to work part. I'm kind of a home body nowadays.
I can't imagine living in Vegas. Sounds like more than i could handle for sure. I haven't been back there since going as a kid, circus circus and all, but got family in Tahoe, so been to Reno a couple times. It's a cool place to visit.
Trying to get a few harvest shots up for ya. Was so busy picking peppers that i forgot to take any pictures.