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smoking Smoked some pods for powder

It was a beautiful day the other day, and my chest freezer was at maximum capacity, so I decided to smoke some pods.

I picked up some disposable lasagna pans, and poked holes in them.


Clockwise from top left: Trinidad Scotch Bonnet and Trinidad Scorpion Yellow, mixed 7 Pots (Red, Barrackpore, Primo, Brain Strain, Jonah), Douglah and Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate, Bhut Jolokia and Dorset Naga.


In the smoker with mesquite


After about 7 hours of low heat smoking


Loaded up the dehydrator






The color in that last picture wasn't the best. Here is a close up of the 7 Pot blend


I'm very happy with the end result. It's a nice balance of smoke and pepper flavor with plenty of heat. I ended up with just over 12 ounces of smoked and dried pods, and my house smells awesome when you walk in the door because I dried them in the basement. Well, at least I think it smells awesome. I'm not sure my wife agrees with me though.

Thanks for looking! :P
Those look mighty tasty!

I really have to try my hand at smoked powders. I love the taste of non-smoked, but smoking just adds an extra dimension to the flavor. Got a bag of frozen assorted green pods in the freezer still. I may have to give it a shot the next time we have nice day. All I have is a propane grill though. I'm sure there's some info out there on how to smoke with a propane grill so will have to do some reasearch. But in the meantime, you happen to have any info off the top of your head?
Those look mighty tasty!

I really have to try my hand at smoked powders. I love the taste of non-smoked, but smoking just adds an extra dimension to the flavor. Got a bag of frozen assorted green pods in the freezer still. I may have to give it a shot the next time we have nice day. All I have is a propane grill though. I'm sure there's some info out there on how to smoke with a propane grill so will have to do some reasearch. But in the meantime, you happen to have any info off the top of your head?


I haven't tried smoking in a gas grill, but I think it can be done. How many burners do you have? My grill has 4 burners, and if I was going to try it, I would only use 1 burner on the far side, and try to keep the temp as low as possible. I'd wrap the chips in aluminum foil to keep them from catching fire, and put the packet directly over the burner (under the grate). Just add a new packet of chips as needed, and keep the pods away from direct heat. I always have a plumbing torch handy when I'm smoking to "jump start" the chips as needed. It helps get them smoking without cranking up the heat.

Hope this helps. Good luck, and post some pics if you try it!
I have a couple smokers at home but I found the easiest and most hands free way was the old soldering iron in a can trick. Load up a large soup can with wood chips/pellets and jam an unused soldering iron through the lid. Lay the can in your grill with your peppers, put a tent of tinfoil over the can and the tray of peppers and walk away. You should get several hours of steady smoke out of a normal sized can. I much prefer that to feeding my smoker and putzing around with the heat constantly in the winter.
Do you have an indirect heat area on the grill? You could use the same aluminum pan full with wet wood chips and put it over the heat source. Put the pods in one as well over indirect heat. Low and slow.

I haven't tried smoking in a gas grill, but I think it can be done. How many burners do you have? My grill has 4 burners, and if I was going to try it, I would only use 1 burner on the far side, and try to keep the temp as low as possible. I'd wrap the chips in aluminum foil to keep them from catching fire, and put the packet directly over the burner (under the grate). Just add a new packet of chips as needed, and keep the pods away from direct heat. I always have a plumbing torch handy when I'm smoking to "jump start" the chips as needed. It helps get them smoking without cranking up the heat.

Hope this helps. Good luck, and post some pics if you try it!

Yeah I have a 3 burner grill. Thanks for the advice guys. Will definitely post pics when I do it!
I have a couple smokers at home but I found the easiest and most hands free way was the old soldering iron in a can trick. Load up a large soup can with wood chips/pellets and jam an unused soldering iron through the lid. Lay the can in your grill with your peppers, put a tent of tinfoil over the can and the tray of peppers and walk away. You should get several hours of steady smoke out of a normal sized can. I much prefer that to feeding my smoker and putzing around with the heat constantly in the winter.

Interesting idea. I haven't heard that one before, but it makes sense.
I keep a bag of smoked peppers in the freezer.
Besides smoking and drying for powder, a nice smoked pepper sliced up on something is a treat.
I just cut out the dehydrating step for a few (dozen).

I planned to save some to make sauce, but I forgot, and loaded them all into the dehydrator. :drunk:
Cool. I've been an avid smoker for years. Hickory is generally my smoke wood of choice and use a WSM. I find that the smoke flavor is easily overpowering in sauce, salsa and powder. Generally I try to keep the temps as low as possible (under 200) and only smoke for a few hours. Even then a few smoked peppers go a long way, and cut them in with non-smoked in most of my creations.

I was thinking about picking up a pellet smoker for peppers as they impart a more mild smoke flavor.
Do you have an indirect heat area on the grill? You could use the same aluminum pan full with wet wood chips and put it over the heat source. Put the pods in one as well over indirect heat. Low and slow.

It's my understanding that wet wood will not smoke until the water evaporates. Water doesn't smoke, so you're just delaying the smoking process by wetting/soaking the wood. That's the info I got off a BBQ site anyway. I also notice at BBQ comps that no one soaks their smoke-wood. Just sayin'...
For those of you that have gas grills you can use one of these. http://www.amazenproducts.com/
I have the tray version and I use it in my pellet smoker to cold smoke cheese. You just need to crack the lid 1/2 inch or so for air flow.
Looks fantastic. I love mesquite too. Bet they will make a real nice rub for some chicken or pork.

I'm pretty sure I've had a bit of this powder. If used in a rub, one would have to be sparing.

You could rub it on raw pork in quantity, but the shit is so hot it would cook the pork too fast and dry it out.

WITHOUT an oven or grill :D

Musky, the smoked 7 pot is just offa the chains. I've had it on everything from a chile rellano to a chef's salad to spicy tuna hand rolled sushi.

I would put it on chocolate cake if I ate desert...