• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
stickman said:
Hi Annie and Scott,
   A good reference book on LAB fermentation is "Wild Fermentation" by Sandor Ellix Katz. He's recently expanded this in another book called "The Art of Fermentation" that has a lot of troubleshooting info in addition to the recipes. The author has a social axe to grind, but take what you need and leave the rest. Cheers!
Yes; have "Sandor's" (his devotees never met him always call him by first name) . . . have Katz's book. And I admire him for many of his positions and actions. Also, one of our visiting writers last year was Frances Lefkowitz. Modern food preservation indeed often leaves folks malnourished. AND yet, I'm not getting in a food war (too many are just plain hungry): the Paleo v. whey v. hooch v. Caldwell's v . . . I'll probably continue wild fermenting Tabasco, however :party:
stc3248 said:
Haha...I almost posted a come by and pick it and its yours for this weekend...almost! I got so much sheet to do.  "HONEEEY, YOUR son has football weigh ins tomorrow at 0930" "HOONEEEY, we have a house warming party to go to between 5 and 6 tomorrw" "Honey the backyard looks like crap...you really need to do something about it." Will be a big pull...when if I can get around to it...Not to mention all out of several powder varieties...up at 0500 slicing peppers to put in the dehydrator, made a mistake and ate something WAY too hot last night...all out of tums...spilled cup of poorly placed water near coffee machine cord. Military "cover" soaked...bill from someone I can no longer make out...drenched...feet, legs, front of pants...look like I peed myself...almost needed new coffee maker. Eff cutting up peppers...sitting down for a bit, drinking some coffee and seeing what my online friends are up to. 
Soooo...whatchaup2 Annie? :rofl: 

Ohhh...I dunno how the ferments are doing...I was busy taking son to practice, mixing up enough nutes to hand water the plants with, grilling all the food for mamas diet, ran out of propane...filled propane...time to pick up son...time for dinner, "Honnney, where do you wanna go for our Anniversary next year??? Bahamas$$$, Costa Rica$$$, Hawaii$$$$$$$, Brazil$$$, Mexico$$..." "Well since YOUR daughter is graduating we need to take the kids too"...oldest is 18 (adult) $$$$$$$$$$$$$....
You do know to just agree; of course you do! (Doesn't matter if you do it or not, at least temporarily.) I stopped trying and just do it myself! I'm sorry about H20 issue :rofl: Really, sweetie! :rofl:
All the $$$$$$$$$$$ stuff? Just agree. My vote's for Northern Mexcio, border town. Be armed, of course.
I don't give a flyin' rat's ass who plays Batman but you could get a leave and battle Ben Affleck as Superman. Tell "Honneeeeeey" that y'all could "anniversary" on set ?? :D
annie57 said:
Hope you enjoy, mi hermano!!
I will enjoy them, been looking forward to tasting the Peach Bhut ... I'm just waiting for da family to wake and make dem some peppered peach eggs and ham ... will let you know how I like the taste. Again Otra vez gracias muchacha niña joven :)
BTW how do you like the Peach Bhuts? I'm looking forward to comparing taste notes with you on them ^_^
WalkGood said:
I will enjoy them, been looking forward to tasting the Peach Bhut ... I'm just waiting for da family to wake and make dem some peppered peach eggs and ham ... will let you know how I like the taste. Again Otra vez gracias muchacha niña joven :)
BTW how do you like the Peach Bhuts? I'm looking forward to comparing taste notes with you on them ^_^
Hmm, piece of angel food cake infused with unripe mango coal? I love that peach bhut!! Am drying seeds for you!
Okay, whipped now. Table full of tomatoes, tomatillos, sweet peppers, some bell, some Aconcagua, sweet apple, upstairs and this harvest of peppers today:

The green cayenne in upper left were just a few I picked for my mother: she likes 'em green so that's what she's got. Picked some serrano and jals earlier today to make pico de gallo (at some point this week). A few more here; some fully ripe, some not.
Above are Harold St. Bart's, Carib Red, JA Hab, Inca Red Drop, Aji Limon, Orange Thai, Jamaican Hot Choc, Choc Hab, Fatalii yellow and red, Yellow 7's and Yellow TSMB, Red TSMB, Douglah, Yellow Brains, Naga Morich and I think that's it . . .
Next: some Scotch bonnet--not MoA, drats--7 Pod Brown x Naga and on right are "seasoning" if one considers CARDI lol, seasoning, Yellow Bouquet, Trinidad S. Perfume, and Bonda Ma Jacques.

Why pick some green? Good question as have huge box holding big grocery bad full of sames as the aboves with apples completing ripening. With rains this year, tiny snails have been issue, so to get them before snails do, pick if mostly turned, let ripen in that big bag in box with apples. Gonna start deseeding, dehydrating, for powders next week. Smoke some a little and others just get dehydrator. And dang, plants still loaded with pods.
Datil's driving me nuts, not ripening yet. Or a couple have ripened then plant podded up. But . . . since gonna sauce those, I can wait. This is not a Shane moment of WTF, but it works. Thanks for looking!
WalkGood said:
Holy moly what a beautiful harvest, awesome job! Love all dem colors muchacha ^_^
Devv said:
Great harvest!
Really glad to see that they're coming in, and you were worried early on....
Now the works starts...or keeps on going haha.
Thanks! Wonder how much I do not want to let rest that aren't fully ripe, ripen, de-seed and dehydrate???!! While teaching at least 3 classes of college freshmen and at least 1 of uni seniors?? :rofl: :shocked:
Review of White Bhut sent by Ramon/Walkgood:

Visual: creamy white, dainty x “cute” pepper and love the little tail

Crappy photo but . . .
Smell: floral with distinct “bhut smell” (can’t describe it but once one smells it, know it),
Texture: firm, low seed count, very meaty pepper

Taste[SIZE=12pt]: Sweet and flowery and nice thick, crispy chew[/SIZE].
Initial heat:[SIZE=12pt] Immediate at tip but slower build near stem. [/SIZE]
Contact of heat: roof of mouth and top, tip, sides of tongue, lips, but not horrible at all: no back of throat attack
Duration of heat: about 6 minutes to build/peak but nice warmth for about 10 minutes. After the entire pod, 30 minutes later, still nice overall “body” warmth.
Overall impressions: Ate the smaller half, then ate the other larger half, which was hotter. Larger half gave me a better burn. Saving seeds, for sure, and will be growing this next year; an all-purpose pepper that’s NOT nuclear and would make an excellent sauce or maybe addition to bread’n butter pickles? Will find its way into some scrambled eggs w/cheese or maybe eggplant parm tomorrow night. Just feels like this one is screaming, “Bake me, fry me with butter, but make me with cheese!” The other nice thing about this pepper is the lack of terrible aftertaste. Nice clean, spring-morning aftertaste . . . yeah; clean. I really think it would be excellent with grilled corn on cob in shuck with butter and salt. I guess it just makes me think: “sweet” and “dairy” but not because it’s white-colored. I think it’d be great with pumpkin muffins and white raisins with some pumpkin pie spice. Or blended with some allspice into homemade ice cream or maybe with white chocolate sauce melted over vanilla or peach ice cream. This is another must grow . . . hmm. LARGER garden!
Thank you for gifting me the opportunity to taste this wonderful pepper, Ramon!! Thanks for looking!
Great review Annie and enjoyable read, funny how the 3 of us (You, Jamie and I) have completely different takes on it other than we all love it. But we do see eye to eye on a few points, sweet, enjoyable taste. That said, in my opinion none of us is wrong, we just have different perceptions or taste discernments.
I love how you describe the aftertaste as nice, clean, spring-morning like … spot on muchacha and how you think “sweet and dairy,” also spot on. She’s awesome with eggs, cheese and so far everything I have combined her with. She quickly worked her way into my top three girls and I too will be growing more. BTW her powder rocks and the taste is a little more intense ^_^
BTW I know you don’t drink but did you get any hints of anise liquor or kumquat rind?
WalkGood said:
BTW I know you don’t drink but did you get any hints of anise liquor or kumquat rind?
Okay, have some star anise; I drank a bit (lol) of Anis del Mono (the monkey is so cute) in Valencia and Barcelona, but didn't quite pick that up first time out. Let me taste it again but not looking for it. Kumquat rind didn't happen for me, but the anise might have. Hard to say but it does have a flavor that I've tasted a lot and could be anise. I wondered about that but was whipped by the time reviewed it. Had a freshman get lost in women's restroom. "The stalls were closing in on me!" yesterday. :rolleyes: I told Scott yesterday that I was thinking about resigning, finding a dive, playing old George Jones on a dinky stage, surrounded by chicken wire as a "career." Let me taste again. (Not hard to pull my leg there! ;) )
Yes, a beautiful bit of crop. Having a little snail problem here as well but so far I'm still ahead of the lose-a-few curve. My datils are stubborn too.
Even my TS moruga is ahead of them now.
My sweet bells, contrary to King of the North varietal's supposed parameters are taking FOREVER to turn red. I'm already afraid I'll be back at some farmer's market, probably Asheville, to get a bushel of big reds -smoking, pickling, saucing and such. Only a few of 12 or so have more than 4 or 5 peppers on 'em.
Seems we've at least made it to the Spin cycle.
annie57 said:
Okay, have some star anise; I drank a bit (lol) of Anis del Mono (the monkey is so cute) in Valencia and Barcelona, but didn't quite pick that up first time out. Let me taste it again but not looking for it. Kumquat rind didn't happen for me, but the anise might have. Hard to say but it does have a flavor that I've tasted a lot and could be anise. I wondered about that but was whipped by the time reviewed it.
When I tasted my first white one, I did so with 2 friends, plus #1 and all 3 of us said we knew the taste, we felt that we had tasted it before so we’re all on the same page with you muchacha. When I say she tastes like anise I don’t mean exactly but mean similar, naturally there is a difference. Next; when I say kumquat rind it’s the sweetness and the citrus side of it that I refer to, not any sour what so ever but remember that the rind of a kumquat is the sweetest part of it unlike the juicy center of the kumquat which is sour. Hard to pinpoint this one but if I do, I’ll write a full blown review … but I can say for sure that this white girl has warmed her way into my top 3 favorite peppers ^_^
Can’t wait to see you grow dem bad girls, have a great week!  
annie57 said:
Had a freshman get lost in women's restroom. "The stalls were closing in on me!" yesterday. :rolleyes: I told Scott yesterday that I was thinking about resigning, finding a dive, playing old George Jones on a dinky stage, surrounded by chicken wire as a "career." Let me taste again. (Not hard to pull my leg there! ;) )
Why a dive, be selective you deserve the best muchacha :)
Hi Annie,
Great review! It seems everyone who's tried the white loved it. Really nice to find a great tasting pepper.
I can say this about your job, if you can come up with good stories it can't be all bad :D
These kids nowadays aren't ready for prime time. We were weren't we? I would like to think so, I've always jumped in with two feet...sometimes landed in poop....but that's life...
We're past the hump, it's all downhill to the weekend!
RocketMan said:
NICE harvest you have going there Annie and then a box of pepper love from Ramon to boot. Looks like you had a great day there.
Bill, it was great finally getting to taste the white bhut! First day of classes are . . . tragicomedic :rofl:
JJJessee said:
Yes, a beautiful bit of crop. Having a little snail problem here as well but so far I'm still ahead of the lose-a-few curve. My datils are stubborn too.
Even my TS moruga is ahead of them now.
My sweet bells, contrary to King of the North varietal's supposed parameters are taking FOREVER to turn red. I'm already afraid I'll be back at some farmer's market, probably Asheville, to get a bushel of big reds -smoking, pickling, saucing and such. Only a few of 12 or so have more than 4 or 5 peppers on 'em.
Seems we've at least made it to the Spin cycle.
Thank you, Carl! KoN might not work in South? Could it be the seed? I know I got some that were not . . . Ditto that on any colored bell--blushing bell is stuck on yellow--yellow ain't blush. Yeller is yeller. But have found that putting them in brown paper bag with apples does get them red if they're slightly turning. Sweet apple is one I want to grow again but is now slowly turning in bag with apples. Right-on about staying ahead the slugs. Early morning pulls with salt shaker and chuckle. + 1 spin! Man, that rinse cycle became tiresome.
Bodeen said:
Great harvest and great review.  Makes me want to grow the white one next year for an omelet or two!!!
Thanks Bodeen! Grow it, grow it, grow it!!
WalkGood said:
When I tasted my first white one, I did so with 2 friends, plus #1 and all 3 of us said we knew the taste, we felt that we had tasted it before so we’re all on the same page with you muchacha. When I say she tastes like anise I don’t mean exactly but mean similar, naturally there is a difference. Next; when I say kumquat rind it’s the sweetness and the citrus side of it that I refer to, not any sour what so ever but remember that the rind of a kumquat is the sweetest part of it unlike the juicy center of the kumquat which is sour. Hard to pinpoint this one but if I do, I’ll write a full blown review … but I can say for sure that this white girl has warmed her way into my top 3 favorite peppers ^_^
Can’t wait to see you grow dem bad girls, have a great week!  
Why a dive, be selective you deserve the best muchacha :)
Oh yeah, no sour whatsoever with this pepper and absolutely--rind, after soft massage, is only part of k-quat--I retract that. Had the BEST tasting, at that time, super-illegal Bacanora in Austin that somebody had smuggled in from Mexico. Typical mezcal needed to sit down to that, but old habits die hard; so, some salt and sour of kumquat (wasted on that delicious stuff) but after a while seeing not only triple (and things that probably weren't there) . . . but we had kumquats and didn't mind the sour. Then again didn't mind much of anything :rofl:  . . . but do know what you mean.
Almost ground some star anise tonight to smell deeply but didn't. Glad I didn't as that would probably bias. But ya know, the sweetness of k-quat rind might be the slight taste, with more "smell-taste" being anise.
So kind of you to say "why a dive." We might have opportunity to move to Ft. Myers. I adore SW FL. Have no clue about music scene there but for that "not-dive," I'd be lobbying for Austin redux only because no matter how much it changes, Austin remains a live music capital. Know anything about FMyers and music? Rumor has it "Cheeseburger in Paradise" (the most Zen song ever written--I wrote an essay on that in undergrad, lol) was composed across the way from FMeyers. I just want to be in warmer hot weather = year 'round grows :party: , few shoes, no heavy clothes, ahhhhhh.
Devv said:
Hi Annie,
Great review! It seems everyone who's tried the white loved it. Really nice to find a great tasting pepper.
I can say this about your job, if you can come up with good stories it can't be all bad :D
These kids nowadays aren't ready for prime time. We were weren't we? I would like to think so, I've always jumped in with two feet...sometimes landed in poop....but that's life...
We're past the hump, it's all downhill to the weekend!
Scott, you eternal optimist! "Pollyandy" lives! No; not all bad but then neither was my boat explosion since nobody got hurt. :cool:
And you just had to write, "downhill."  :rofl:
Yeah: by the time I was 18, 19, I was going on 30 in experience but I was responsible and curious enough to try; if ya goof, so what? Gotta sleep. Inbox had 500+ questions about syllabi when I said, clearly, plainly, we'd continue "studying" them tomorrow. Hold many more hands gonna demand they sing "Cumbaya" while we do it. :D Have a good one and check PO! Thanks!