Texas Creek Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce
...the most un-offensive hot sauce in the world!
This project started out as a lark, from a conversation on a chileheads forum. The topic was about all the negative/demonic/satanic images and names people come up with for hot products, and how some people find those images/names offensive. One person said "well, no one would buy a hot sauce called Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce." .... one comment led to another and before you know it...I decided to make "Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce, The Most Un-offensive Hot Sauce In The World!" for CHARITY!
eBay general listing-
The Charity! The most important part of this project! This is why we're doing all this!
Step Up For was started by fellow chilehead and pioneer chile grower/saucemaker and firefighter Jim Campbell. Check out all the details here-
Several people and organizations have helped and sponsored the Fluffy Bunny project. Many Thanks to-
Candice ( in Australia for the Trinidad Scorpions
Andrei Story for the awesome bunny-n-chile graphics!
Kearley Seeds and Peppers-
Buddah from I Love It
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce-
Matt at
And Chile Bloggers/reviewers Steve Chambers and Bishop Brad!
production and distribution by Texas Creek Products-
The Sauce-
Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce is a sweet pink colored hot sauce that will give you a sweet start, a garlic WoW, and then a Pure Evil KaPow! It looks innocuous, but looks can be deceiving! It's made with pears, grape juice, onion, garlic, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, beets, Trinidad Scorpion chiles, sugar, 7.6mil Pure Evil, salt, xanthan, other unoffensive fluff-n-stuff.
The sauce is a variation of an approved recipe and made in a licensed processing kitchen. Further details upon request. pH ~3.18.
The Deal!
There are bottle numbers listed in the options section. Each Set includes a waxed/signed/numbered bottle and a 2nd bottle with a label and a shrink band.
Odd numbered bottles have PURPLE wax.
Even numbered bottles have YELLOW wax.
$20 from every set will go to Step Up For Charity. $5.69 will go towards the USPS FRSB rates.
Additional bottle option-
There is some interest in having a 3rd bottle to open/taste. SO! Anyone who makes a separate donation of $5 or more to through the link above will get a 3rd un-labeled bottle to open and eat!
Bottle Set #1 was set aside for Mr. Jim Campbell. Jim graciously gave Set #1 back to the cause and it is up for auction in a separate listing! Set #69 is also up for auction. Follow Links to the auctions for these rare opportunity bottles! SOLD!
International orders- Fluffy Bunny can go international if the purchase is willing to pay the additional $18 for international shipping. I'll add something extra for international orders, depending on what can fit in the box.
Texas Creek Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce
...the most un-offensive hot sauce in the world!
This project started out as a lark, from a conversation on a chileheads forum. The topic was about all the negative/demonic/satanic images and names people come up with for hot products, and how some people find those images/names offensive. One person said "well, no one would buy a hot sauce called Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce." .... one comment led to another and before you know it...I decided to make "Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce, The Most Un-offensive Hot Sauce In The World!" for CHARITY!
eBay general listing-
The Charity! The most important part of this project! This is why we're doing all this!
Step Up For was started by fellow chilehead and pioneer chile grower/saucemaker and firefighter Jim Campbell. Check out all the details here-
Several people and organizations have helped and sponsored the Fluffy Bunny project. Many Thanks to-
Candice ( in Australia for the Trinidad Scorpions
Andrei Story for the awesome bunny-n-chile graphics!
Kearley Seeds and Peppers-
Buddah from I Love It
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce-
Matt at
And Chile Bloggers/reviewers Steve Chambers and Bishop Brad!
production and distribution by Texas Creek Products-
The Sauce-
Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce is a sweet pink colored hot sauce that will give you a sweet start, a garlic WoW, and then a Pure Evil KaPow! It looks innocuous, but looks can be deceiving! It's made with pears, grape juice, onion, garlic, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, beets, Trinidad Scorpion chiles, sugar, 7.6mil Pure Evil, salt, xanthan, other unoffensive fluff-n-stuff.
The sauce is a variation of an approved recipe and made in a licensed processing kitchen. Further details upon request. pH ~3.18.
The Deal!
There are bottle numbers listed in the options section. Each Set includes a waxed/signed/numbered bottle and a 2nd bottle with a label and a shrink band.
Odd numbered bottles have PURPLE wax.
Even numbered bottles have YELLOW wax.
$20 from every set will go to Step Up For Charity. $5.69 will go towards the USPS FRSB rates.
Additional bottle option-
There is some interest in having a 3rd bottle to open/taste. SO! Anyone who makes a separate donation of $5 or more to through the link above will get a 3rd un-labeled bottle to open and eat!
Bottle Set #1 was set aside for Mr. Jim Campbell. Jim graciously gave Set #1 back to the cause and it is up for auction in a separate listing! Set #69 is also up for auction. Follow Links to the auctions for these rare opportunity bottles! SOLD!
International orders- Fluffy Bunny can go international if the purchase is willing to pay the additional $18 for international shipping. I'll add something extra for international orders, depending on what can fit in the box.