If you purchase "Fresh Peppers" from ANY "online" vendor, PLEASE make sure you find SOME SORT of LEGAL documentation along with your order. Something like the stamps pictured below

Some vendors out there may feel like they dont need to be inspected/certified by their local State/Federal inspectors. Ask your vendor for their Nursery Registration Number (If its not posted PUBLICLY somewhere already). Ask them if they are involved in ANY state run "Quality" programs such as "Fresh From Florida" (Our info can be found here ) and if they are...ask for a link to THEIR info so you can find out about their operation.
Just a heads up for ALL the consumers out there who purchase FRESH peppers from included! Ask the tough questions...ask these same questions to us, we have NOTHING to hide as our info is NOT hard to find... Lastly, cheaper isn't ALWAYS better folks! Especially when it comes to the food you put into YOUR body! Words of wisdom right there....
This is NOTHING against ANY vendor/grower out there. We just felt the public deserve to know the facts so they can make an intelligent purchase, no matter WHO they buy it from (Us or ANY other vendor), the next time they are in the market for some "Fresh" produce

Sizzlin' Salutations!,
Dale E. Baker Jr, CEO
Baker's Peppers LLC
@BakersPeppers On Twitter