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condiment Molé BBQ Sauce

Someone was asking me about this so I dug it up from a few years ago.
Excellent on grilled chicken.
Scovie's Mole BBQ Sauce.
• 3/4 C. Ketchup
• 2 Tbs Butter
• 1 Tbs Unsweetened Cocoa powder
• 1 Tbs Espresso powder
• 1 Tbs Cider Vinegar
• 1 Tbs Mole asses
• 1-1/2 tsp French's Yellow Mustard
• 1-1/2 tsp Worchestershetchire Sauce
• 3/4 tsp Smoked Paprika
• 1 Tbs Pasilla Ancho Powder
• 1 Tbs Mexican Chocolate (grated)
• 1-1/2 tsp Red Habanero Powder
• 1/2 tsp Sea Salt
• 1/2 tsp Ground Oregano
• 1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
• 1/2 tsp Onion Powder
• 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
• 3 Cranks of BP
Melt the butter and add the Mexican chocolate. Then add the liquids hhwisking over med/high heat. HHWisk in the dried ingredients and simmer for 15-20 minutes or longer. It's always better the next day, of course.
D3monic said:
Looks pretty solid, what's Bp , black pepper?

I might have to try it. Not sure i've hade a molé
Yes, Black Pepper. My pepper grinder has a handle so I guess "3 crancks" would be like 3 pinches or a few smidges. ½ tsp? LOL
Vicious Vex said:
Done correctly a mole is heavenly when combine with other flavors.   I have also had some TERRIBLE mole sauces.   Based on previous experience this recipe looks really solid and I wouldn't hesitate. 
Agreed. Years ago, I would judge a new mexican restaurant on it's Mole. That didn't last long. A few too many "chicken drenched in pumpkin seed sauces" for me. There are faaaar more bad mole's than good. But when it's good.... Oh man is it great.
BigB said:
just add chocolate ?
Naw, my Mole recipe has a far different ingredients list. Similar but totally different. When I made this BBQ sauce, I was inspired by the "sweet heat" balance that my Mole has. When that balance is achieved, it's magical. This BBQ sauce could stand a bit more heat, left to the individual. I would suggest making it as is, then seeing how much more heat you might want. Like I said, it's great on grilled chicken, like a nice finishing sauce, or smoked turkey breast. Grilled wings tossed in a sauce pan until the sauce gets thick and the wings are well coated with the sticky goodness. Yum-OH.