chinense Scotch bonnet shape evidence enough?

Hi Potowie!;)

If I have a very consistent and classically shaped scotch bonnet, but I am not sure of the origin, is it OK to assume it is a scotch bonnet?

Sorry no pic and we are about to leave, but it is nothing special except for the extremely consistent shape.

It was marked "Nat scotch bonnet" on last years parcel post seed trade.
Its difficult to judge by shape alone. The most consistant Sb shapes are usually from non SB C. annuums. Even in Jamaica, a lot of Sb's are not tam or bonnet shaped but it does make them a higher grade. Sb's have a unique taste and burn that I like much better than traditional habaneros. In some parts of the world they use the term Scotch bonnet as we do Habanero to describe almost any C. chinense so there is always a lot of misnomers and confusion and this is leading to a threatened industry.
there is always a lot of misnomers and confusion and this is leading to a threatened industry.

please elaborate...:think:

I think it is very interesting how you identified this issue, and I'd like to hear more of what you have to say about it.

Here's a good article that I often post links to about Jamaican Scotch bonnets

"Unfortunately, Jamaica is unable to meet the demand for this highly sought after commodity. Other Caribbean islands have tried to cash in on this demand by exporting the peppers, but importers in the USA who know the product say the quality is inferior to the true Jamaican Scotch bonnet.

The Jamaican government is currently working with agronomists at the Scientific Research Council and the Ministry of Agriculture to save the Scotch pepper which is under threat from the use of inferior seeds, the use of the name Jamaican Scotch bonnet to describe peppers that are not real Scotch bonnet, inferior quality products and inability to meet demand. In addition, the fumigation that is required for entry into the United States results in quicker spoilage.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Agricultural Development Association and the Scientific Research Council are all working to ensure that the Scotch bonnet pepper industry survives. One of the strategies being developed is the sale and distribution of top-quality Jamaican Scotch bonnet seeds to farmers."
Its difficult to judge by shape alone. The most consistant Sb shapes are usually from non SB C. annuums.
My Jamaican Red Hots (Scotch Bonnet type) are Annuums and the shape has been very consistent.
Yes, there are far too many impure and bogus JMoA seeds floating around, even by legit seed sellers.  I was able to secure a supply directly from the JMoA, luckily.  Yes, it does make a difference.
Those impossible to get seeds from Jamaica are funny.
MoA got all the attention lately but TFM, Papa Joe's, Foodarama (to name a few) are around from years.
AND why a product from a "ministry of agriculture" should be superior than an heirloom? Similarly is the CARDI the best of the best scorpion around?
I beg to differ.

Ambiotic said:
Yes, there are far too many impure and bogus JMoA seeds floating around, even by legit seed sellers.  I was able to secure a supply directly from the JMoA, luckily.  Yes, it does make a difference.
I am consumed by a jealous rage.  Nice pods, and very nice little sack of seeds, too.  Was it terribly expensive to get that little care package from Jamrock?
Datil said:
Those impossible to get seeds from Jamaica are funny.
MoA got all the attention lately but TFM, Papa Joe's, Foodarama (to name a few) are around from years.
AND why a product from a "ministry of agriculture" should be superior than an heirloom? Similarly is the CARDI the best of the best scorpion around?
I beg to differ.

The TFM, Papa Joe's, and Foodarama lines of SBs were all a by-product of the problem outlined years ago in this thread; chile enthusiasts were disappointed with the dearth of authentic SB pods and seed stock offered at the time, so they sought out some good examples at various markets, bought pods, saved seeds, and strove to bring back real-deal Bonnets for the folks who missed and appreciated them.  Ultimately, the Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture did the same thing; one might argue that th MOA line is more authentico b/c they gathered stock from Jamaican groundations, whereas North American growers gathered stock from N.American grocery stores.   No doubt, I am grateful that these strains exist, and i'm loving the cheap n fresh pods i get from the TFM... but I think the JMOA did the right thing in working on that project, and i think we ought to reward that effort with our custom.  
And, let's be honest: there were, and still are, a lot of ppl out there pushing bogus Bonnets.  That ain't cool, amiright?
The Papa Joe's market pods are as good as any bonnet I have grown. That includes the MOA bonnet. No matter the shape,the taste will be there. It's nice to have the cup and saucer shape,that has been the craze in the last couple years,but that doesn't make them taste any better,just makes them more sought after.  And both times I grew the MOA it didnb't put out the desired shape. I only grow one plant per variety though. It's a crap shoot unless you grow multiple plants.
Papa Joe's
Pr0digal_son said:
The Papa Joe's market pods are as good as any bonnet I have grown. That includes the MOA bonnet. No matter the shape,the taste will be there. It's nice to have the cup and saucer shape,that has been the craze in the last couple years,but that doesn't make them taste any better,just makes them more sought after.  And both times I grew the MOA it didnb't put out the desired shape. I only grow one plant per variety though. It's a crap shoot unless you grow multiple plants.
Papa Joe's
Lookin' awesome.
Those bonnets John are picture perfect and would enhance anyone's grow ... you are absolutely right in saying no matter what the shape the taste will be there ... Having grown many different bonnet varieties I can support your statement. This season I am growing the P.Dreadie Select I have two plants pushing out loads of pods which I am sure will all taste similarly however I only have at the moment one pod that I could say was a true "select" in shape

Rob your spot on with what you say with regard to bonnet enthusiasts looking for the perfect shape wether it be from a supermarket such as Foodarama and more recently Saraga. I have been growing Allen Boatman SB which he believed to be the perfect shape. As for the MoA the Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture gave local farmers on a strictly "not for sale" basis a quantity of seed to farm a bonnet true to Jamaica. Steve Queen from Fort Lauderdale a forum member contacted, negotiated and finally obtained the original MoA Yellow seed which he gave to some close friends ... he let me have some his philosophy was "spread the seed"

Please don't waste your money on purchasing "not a bonnet" there are plenty of us growing and I as I do every Christmas am more than happy to send you a card with some seed in it
Pr0digal_son said:
Chris Phillips is the original source for the Papa Joe's Market Scotch Bonnet.  Not sure if CCN got them from him or someone else,but he originally found them in a market in the Detroit Metro area.
John thank you for this not only do I enjoy growing bonnets but I also like to record their history
After seeing this I went and put in an order for both Papa Joe's and Foodarama seeds  :dance:
I grew MoAs and TFMs this year, and have enjoyed an abundant supply of Scotch Bonnets all summer.
mlh5953 said:
After seeing this I went and put in an order for both Papa Joe's and Foodarama seeds  :dance:
I grew MoAs and TFMs this year, and have enjoyed an abundant supply of Scotch Bonnets all summer.
Who is selling the PJM's? I didn't even think they were popular.