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seeds Pepper X seeds

Hope you don't mind Bookers?...
Bookers said:
Last article i read about it said 11/18

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Bookers said:
Last article i read about it said 11/19

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Bookers said:
Last article i read about it said 11/20

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Bookers said:
Last article i read about it said 11/21

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Walchit said:
That Nov ember date gets people checking his site at seed ordering time, then your just like f it, I will just grow carolina reaper again
Haha. I'm growing reapers and Choc TMS regardless...i have a couple plants i'm growing over winter and thanks to people here i'm going to try to grow at least a dozen different varieties in addition to F7... The hot pepper is what's up!

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Walchit said:
That Nov ember date gets people checking his site at seed ordering time, then your just like f it, I will just grow carolina reaper again
My guess is that's its the 5 way cross jack superhot sent a few of us before he passed away.  But i can't prove that. I can tell you iv'e had the gator sauce made with it and it's the hottest sauce i know of without extract.  Maybe ed found a green plant from those seeds, maybe he crossed other things to get the green pods.  Iv'e also grown several bbm seeds and found a green version of those so i know it's possible for green pod genes to pop up.  Romy6 on here had a green jigsaw years ago.  
Pepper X has not even been shown to actually exist. All we have is a claim made by Ed Currie that he has a 3M SHU pepper, with nothing to back up that claim. If it was really that hot, it should have easily taken the Guinness title away from the Reaper. Yet that still hasn't happened. Ed has also claimed that his Pepper X sauce is 2M+ SHU, yet I still see reviewers on YouTube saying that they think this or that sauce is hotter. Something seems fishy here...
Isaaccarlson said:
Does anyone know when pepper X seeds will be available?
My guess is that Ed will release seeds for Pepper X as well as for his fabled HP56 Death strain... around the time that Hell freezes over.  :rofl:
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Yeah, I disembarked the hype train after Pepper X failed to win the Guinness title in November 2017 like Ed Currie promised us it would. (Why are we still waiting, Ed?) I would rather focus on growing great tasting hot peppers that I can get seeds for, because they really exist.
I don't want to grow the things, but if i was buying an SFRB from someone who was growing them, i'd ask them to toss a few in there....
Garden space, for me, is limited.  As is the growing season, in terms of duration.  I haven't the room nor the time for snake oil chiles….  I'm too busy growing classics, landraces, crosses from hobbyist growers I trust, and a shit-ton of Bonnets.
I have seen a few of these Pepper X threads in my short time on THP and read through a few older ones as well, and you could say the discussion got a little heated from time to time. This one has remained very civil good on ya lads!!.
You would think by now from a business stand point you would try and cash in after talking it up for so long. After awhile people just get tired of false promises,and once confidence is lost then money will soon follow suit.