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contest Growdown Throwdown 2021 XL Antep Aci Cross

Final harvest! Peppers are starting to rot.

2,251 + 1,270 = 3,521

Very nice; I need a cage like that to keep my plants from breaking apart. You won't have to worry about me at this point...only one more harvest left and I'd be surprised if it hit four digits on the weigh in.

Nice work Rich!
Thats two 4 ft cages, zip tied together at the middle, had to, otherwise branches were snapping left and right out of the top. Hell of a year this year! Thanks for growing with us again. I may have one more small pull left yet.
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Well guys and gals, its over. Last night hit us at 28F and the plant didn't look so hot today. Never perked back up so, I guess I'll be making that last pull full of the season tomorrow. Sad day indeed.

Anyone else still have decent growing temps left until Jan1?

Guess I should get a head start on 2022 Vote Thread huh?

Any variety suggestions for next year?

Dare we try something other than the annuum complex (annuum, frut, chin)? Do we dare to venture out into baccatum, or pubescens?
Piri Piri maybe?
Interesting idea! We have to make sure we get the RIGHT Peri Peri though,C frutescens, NOT the long annuum floating around that many think is Peri Peri. Tried explaining this to Chilichump and others, but hey, as long as they enjoy it, it doesnā€™t matter what they call it, haha

I was thinking of adding @PaulG and @Trippas Purple Thunder to the list too. I have just sent a huge bag to @PaulG but have one other bag if we decided on it. We have a ton of options obviously.
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Interesting idea! We have to make sure we get the RIGHT Peri Peri though,C frutescens, NOT the long annuum floating around that many think is Peri Peri. Tried explaining this to Chilichump and others, but hey, as long as they enjoy it, it doesnā€™t matter what they call it, haha

I was thinking of adding @PaulG and @Trippas Purple Thunder to the list too. I have just sent a huge bag to @PaulG but have one other bag if we decided on it. We have a ton of options obviously.
I would like Purple Thunder. It would be very interesting to compare the beautiful colors of the pods.
Interesting idea! We have to make sure we get the RIGHT Peri Peri though,C frutescens, NOT the long annuum floating around that many think is Peri Peri. Tried explaining this to Chilichump and others, but hey, as long as they enjoy it, it doesnā€™t matter what they call it, haha

I was thinking of adding @PaulG and @Trippas Purple Thunder to the list too. I have just sent a huge bag to @PaulG but have one other bag if we decided on it. We have a ton of options obviously.
Iā€™d be happy to mail out some of the seeds for the growdown after they get here.
We did Aji Chuncho before, right? Back when it was tallest plant or something?
Wasn't the tallest plant growdown won by @stc3248?
I'm thinking the plant was one of @romy6's Goat's Weed
Cross or something like that. No, wait, actually that was the
runner up choice to the Chuncho in 2014.
...Any variety suggestions for next year?

Dare we try something other than the annuum complex (annuum, frut, chin)? Do we dare to venture out into baccatum, or pubescens?

I liked the looks of your CAP 455 C baccatum dominant you suggested at the beginning of 2021. It would still play in 2022. Just sayin'.:whistle:
Well guys and gals, its over. Last night hit us at 28F and the plant didn't look so hot today. Never perked back up so, I guess I'll be making that last pull full of the season tomorrow. Sad day indeed.

Anyone else still have decent growing temps left until Jan1?

Guess I should get a head start on 2022 Vote Thread huh?

Any variety suggestions for next year?

Dare we try something other than the annuum complex (annuum, frut, chin)? Do we dare to venture out into baccatum, or pubescens?
It will be my first that I join with. So make it something crazy. That way if I fail, I fail gloriously.
Wasn't the tallest plant growdown won by @stc3248?
I'm thinking the plant was one of @romy6's Goat's Weed
Cross or something like that. No, wait, actually that was the
runner up choice to the Chuncho in 2014.

Yes,he won a few, including the chuncho growdown. I miss that prick bastard!!
Do we dare to venture out into pubescens?
Sounds like a plan. There are a few pros to this. The odds of getting unwanted crosses is much less and they are typically harder to get large yields off of. There is more to be learned from that style of grow rather than growing a hyper prolific variety for a yield contest. I could go on about the awesome habits,flowers,etc but we'll leave it to the poll. ;)
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