• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

It is what it is 2023


Under extreme pressure from my peers :lol: I am reluctantly starting my 2023 glog
Haven't actually planted any seeds yet, but it won't be long before I succumb to the gentle scent of compost, the lure of germination and the excitement of seeing a sprout
I am, however, cleaning all my plant tags if that's not commitment I don't know what is
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Hey speaking of Greenhouse... Do you move yours from the greenhouse outdoors, and if you do, do you do the whole hardening off Process? I always have but if I can trim some time here or there, or learn a better way I'm all ears.. thanks
I have no idea, the temperature thingy hasn't been set up yet, but they're covered with a cloche overnight and seem to be doing fine.
I think it was a bit too early to put Phase 4 out there but they're doing OK, in that they're not dead yet, it will be good to compare them to the ones under the lights.

You should set up a decent designed-in-France weather station to keep track of temperatures and other weather data inside and outside the house 馃檪. I have 3 of those systems running. Oh and I'm not affiliated to those guys, other than that I'm a beta tester of some of their products... 馃榿

As an example, this is yesterdays curve of the temperature and humidity on top of the refrigerator, where my seedlings currently reside...

You should set up a decent designed-in-France weather station to keep track of temperatures and other weather data inside and outside the house 馃檪. I have 3 of those systems running. Oh and I'm not affiliated to those guys, other than that I'm a beta tester of some of their products... 馃榿

As an example, this is yesterdays curve of the temperature and humidity on top of the refrigerator, where my seedlings currently reside...


Even available in MX, impressive... I may PM you one day with annoying questions 馃槵
you know when you get that "eureka" moment, yes? I had mine at 5 a.m.
I'm thinking that although dilute lemon juice was great for getting the Rocoto started perhaps it's not so good for ALL pepper seeds - witness my annuums taking their own sweet time - I've had a few pop but not the usual overwhelmed with sproutlings.
My first 3 phases all popped pretty quick after being soaked in cold tea, even the superhots.
I shall look into this further - once there is room in the incubator.

And the Trippaul has got whitefly, never had a problem with this before, I'm hoping the paperwasps will come out of hibernation and deal with nasty beasties for me - in the meantime, it's been sprayed with a solution of turmeric and warm water and kept in isolation, if that doesn't work then it's Neem oil.
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Ah yes, seeing as under ideal circumstances annuum seeds sprouts at 10 days, 11 days is a horrible long period to be kept waiting. 馃ぃ

Why can't somebody come up with a new pepper variety that sprouts in a day or two? You superhots might have some quick sprouting gene