• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

Let's try this again

Believe it or not but I'm still pulling ripe pods off of a few plants. I brought a couple into the house and there are half a dozen or so in the garage. No heat in the garage though and just one shop light with two florescent tubes. If any of you know about growing in the Midwest during November you understand how crazy this is. It isn't a quick thing though.

Here's what I got in a two week period.


So what to do with them? More sauce of course! So I had to clean them up and get them into a pot to soften them up for the mixing stick.


So after covering them with water and adding a bit of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar I cooked them soft then drained them and let the mixing stick do it's job. Here's the sauce back on the stove for a little more reduction.


After the reduction I ran it through the food processor then a fine mesh strainer then into this pint jar.


I haven't tried it yet, wanted to let the flavors meld for a day or so before.
Gave it the taste test a few minutes ago and it's OK. The heat is there--in spades and it has a good lingering time. I'm going on 10 minutes now and my tongue and roof of mouth is still tingling. Throat is still warm and fuzzy. My son is still coughing/choking and saying "Oh my God hot." We just tasted a bit the size of a nickle.

The flavor is lacking though. A little pepperish but on the bland side. Definitely needs a little something. I'm thinking sweet like honey or apple. I'll let it age some more and then see what it's like. Maybe a bit of salt would bring out the pepper flavors better.
Thanks all.

SS the mash is sitting in my closet and not doing much of anything yet. I noticed this morning the liquid is starting to separate and show up at the top. No bubbles yet. Not sure if it's warm enough. I'll get a couple of pics up and post them to that thread.
Thanks all.

SS the mash is sitting in my closet and not doing much of anything yet. I noticed this morning the liquid is starting to separate and show up at the top. No bubbles yet. Not sure if it's warm enough. I'll get a couple of pics up and post them to that thread.

I would definitely add some sweetness to it. If I were going to do a Mexican style hot sauce, I would add carrot and a little garlic. If I were going for "new world" flavor, I would add honey and some fruit like mango or peach.

Ben we're talking about two different sauces here. This thread is about a sauce and the one you're quoting SS is a mash I made the other day. Appreciate the tips though.
Always a perv in the house....Bahahahahahahahahahaha!

Decided to go with pears to try and fix this sauce up a bit. I added a cup of pear juice and then back on the stove to simmer for about 45 minutes. Then into the food processor. While it was whirring around in there I added 1/8 of a teaspoon of xanthan gum. Supposed to keep things from separating, thickens it up and gives it a nice shiny look.

I stopped the processing when it would coat a spoon like this:


After adding the cup of pear juice I cooked it down to less than it was when I started. Hard to tell from this photo but I liked the look of it so much I had to post it.


The pear juice added just the right amount of sweetness to balance it out and retain the heat. I think I have a winner here. I just ordered some small woozie bottles so I can share this with anyone who's interested.

I like this sauce making thing.
Looks good Patrick! I tried making some hot sauce with pears one time but it did not turn out very good. You can get woozies pretty cheap online but its always the shipping that kills ya!
Looks good Patrick! I tried making some hot sauce with pears one time but it did not turn out very good. You can get woozies pretty cheap online but its always the shipping that kills ya!

instead of 5 ounce woozies I prefer 32 ounce quarts. I have use half gallons with a squirter on top. Cholula sells its hot sauce that way. picture here


This is basically the same as we see for mustard and ketchup at hot dog stands. It really speeds up getting a lot of hot sauce out of the bottle.

The problem with 5 ounce woozies is that I will eat the entire bottle in one or two days at most.

glass beer and soda bottles work well. I like the colored beer bottles with the clamp down tops. Grolsch beer with porcelin swing tops. pictures here


or here about $2 / bottle full of beer.


I have some really nice art glass bottles.

If you want something fast and cheap you might try some glass bottles of IBC soft drink soda or root beer etc on flavors. But mine have modern screw on caps. 12 ounce bottles.

There are some nice high alcohol bottles but they can be really expensive with alcohol. But get the word out that you are looking for fancy bottles for your hot sauce.

dont buy too many fancy bottles. maybe one of each until you make sure they work really well for you. I find I change my mind about the bottle I like to use. I also like different hot sauce in different bottles. easy to pick what I want at the time.

I try to make bottle collecting a part of my hot sauce hobby. I do not work at it much. I was able to get bottles real easy at one time and have a few that set me up. I was able to get them at a recycling place. That is the way to go. Every once in awhile people throw out their fancy bottle collection and you can get them free or for the deposit.

Good Luck to Everyone
Have Fun
Half gallon woozies--too cool. I just wanted a dozen or so glass bottles to put this stuff in so I can give it to friends and family. They were only $.60 each.

Making sauce is relatively new to me and right now I'm not taking it too serious. Just messing around in the kitchen and having some fun.
I want some cool bottles!! Thats the way to do it so long as your having fun Patrick!I have not tried making any in a while but did have some success, I made them the perfect consistency when they were hot, than once they cooled couldnt get them out of the woozies. :rofl: I dont know why but I actually ordered two boxs full of woozies. Maybe I will try to make some and we can do a woozie full of fire trade. :)