seeds-germination Germination aides

I can't seem to get the correct moisture of the paper towel method and always or most of the time i just got rotten seeds so I'll just stick to the seedling tray + starting mix method...
I just did some impatient digging with my soil sown seeds and they were all rotten. :( I don't have the patience to compile a seed mix that would be good enough.
I think the idea with the bag is you want have all the moisture held by the paper towel so that the seed can draw it out into itself, but isn't swimming. I used a pump spray bottle to finely mist the paper towel for about a second. It is working so far. It is exactly one week since I started the bags and I've had about 10% germinate.
Ok well really like hot`s - neils way.If you set up a tank and are keeping say 80 to 90.What do you use to stop algae?I`m ready to start 4 50 gal tanks and realized--damn missing a piece of the puzzle.Thanks for any help !
Posted Today, 07:59 AM

Ok well really like hot`s - neils way.If you set up a tank and are keeping say 80 to 90.What do you use to stop algae?I`m ready to start 4 50 gal tanks and realized--damn missing a piece of the puzzle.Thanks for any help !

4 methods from me
1) put some tropical algae eaters in there.
2) just use algar treatment from the fish/pet shop.
3) Or make little hessian bags of barley straw and drop then in there. A bacteria that breeds on the barley straw eats all the algae you can throw at it. In cold weather outside in ponds it takes 2-3 weeks to breed up but in a heated fish tank it should be lots quicker
4) Dont bother as your seedlings should be in sealed containers floating on top of the water.
Hey thanks for the answers.Doing about 90 varieties as of now and then transferring to the greenhouse.If this works this will be so coooool as to not hijack my kitchen this yr yet again.Wife loves plants -- just not this way lol Rich
Has anyone had any success with rockwool? I ordered some just for poops and giggles to see if it works. Got 1x1" cubes from for about $4, so even if it doesn't work . . .minimal loss.
I haven't gotten the nack for it. I had about 40% success last year with it. I am going to use Faffards seedstarter with Black Hen mixed in.
i`ve got my first 8 eggplant-- yes bad words here started as of yesterday and thank you to everyone who answered.Have a great x-mas everyone and new year! Rich
Has anyone had any success with rockwool? I ordered some just for poops and giggles to see if it works. Got 1x1" cubes from for about $4, so even if it doesn't work . . .minimal loss.

Rock wool works well for me, I think it makes it easy to see if it's too wet or dry, I got around 85-90% using rock wool, Just be sure to rinse well with water prior to use and check the pH they can be a bit on in that regard.


Ok a update -- started seeds Dec 18 and just now looking have 3 out of 8 going wild.Lil guys are stretching their legs big time.I am really gonna like this set up once I learn the curves.Give it a try. Rich
I've had some wild chiltepin in a block of rockwool since late December. Still no activity but I'm sure the temperature is still a little low. Given the fact that tepin can be a bit fussy and difficult to germinate, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I found the paper towel method on a site (maybe this one) and it worked well for me through the summer but seems to not work so well now as my house is at 70 degrees.
ok for neils way--- it has been great for me.No more than7 days till lil monsters are here. Give it a try Rich
I haven't had any problem with rockwool or seedmix. Just presoak them, keep them moist (not soaked) and warm. Practically everything comes up. In fact I can't think of anything I've planted this way every had any problems.

This year I am trying perlite just to see what happens as I've seen it suggested in some hydroponic books. I'll let you in a few weeks how it's working.
I've never tried the paper towel method. I'm going to try a few now. I think
I'll try it with the yellow scorpion cardi.