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Simple Caribbean Hab Sauce

Got in that saucing mood today, so I went supermarket pepper hunting and came upon the happy surprise of decent quality Caribbean habs, for $3.50/pound :woohoo:
Simple sauce

40 x Caribbean red habs (seeds included, the acid/cooking-down softened them up making them unnoticeable)
2 x carrots
1 head of garlic (Needed more, 2 heads for next time and maybe some horseradish)
about 2 cups lime juice
2 cups lemon juice
2 table spoons of salt

makes about 20 ounces of thick sauce.

Didn't have the camera ready before the pepper desecration but here goes

Into the food processor we go

^^^ then into the blender, missed the money shot on that one

20-25 minutes boiling/simmering really makes me want to dunk my head in :dance:

After heat packing, final product 20ounces of doom. (bit more canned for the freezer)
The lemon or lime by themselves in those measures would have been fine for acidity(pH). Never hurts to go over for flavor of course. I use lemon more then lime out of preference.

Would suggest boiling 30+ minutes.

Looks yummy. The basics are fun when you start with a good tasting pepper.
Looks pretty good. I'd bet it has a good bit of heat too. I've been meaning to start experimenting with carrots in sauces and this seems like a good starting point.
Although the only safe way to tell how long things will last is with a pH meter, the measurements in this make it seem quite acidic (as Omri mentioned). My guess would be that if you canned it properly, it would keep quite a while.