Josh's Plants & Pods 2011

Those raised beds look really good, I can't believe that indoors monster wouldn't set any pods, that seems strange. What was the reason for trimming it back so much vs. just potting it straight in a 15 gallon pot or something? I can't even imagine what something that size put out at the beginning of the summer would do. :eek:

I bought a Super Chile about 3 weeks ago that was probably only 5-6 inches tall and now it's about 2 feet tall with 10+ full sized pods on it already. The growth rate on those things is incredible even when producing pods at the same time.
great looking chiles. i'm growing super chile for the 1st time this year - mine doesn't look as good as yours. mine is further along than any of my other plants though.
Your plants are looking mighty fine Josh, you've got that raised bed growing down pat.

Its been wet here lately too, rained for the past four days, today is the first dry one, but freakin' hot.

Thanks. Yea I love growing in raised beds. They make everything really easy unlike containers. The plants are a little behind and thin because of my leaf removal but they should start doing their thing now. I don't know if you saw in my posts, but I have that Douglah X Scorpion cross you sent me. If you want isolated seeds from this generation let me know.
Those raised beds look really good, I can't believe that indoors monster wouldn't set any pods, that seems strange. What was the reason for trimming it back so much vs. just potting it straight in a 15 gallon pot or something? I can't even imagine what something that size put out at the beginning of the summer would do. :eek:

I bought a Super Chile about 3 weeks ago that was probably only 5-6 inches tall and now it's about 2 feet tall with 10+ full sized pods on it already. The growth rate on those things is incredible even when producing pods at the same time.

Thanks. I originally trimmed back the hydro plant because I was starting seeds for this season and needed the room in the grow box. I moved the plant to a #3 nursery pot and stuck it in the corner of the grow box. It filled back in nicely but the new seedlings needed the space. I then moved the plant in front of a window with poor lighting. As a result its new growth was leggy. Once the temperatures became warm enough outside I removed most of the leggy growth and put the trimmed plant outside. A lack of space and lighting was my reasoning behind all this. I wish I could have done what you said. It would have been awesome.

This is the first time I am growing the super chili but I am impressed so far. It seems fairly resilient and is starting to load up with pods. As long as the flavor isn't bad I imagine I will grow this variety for many seasons to come. It appears as if it would be a good plant for people with limited space as well.

great looking chiles. i'm growing super chile for the 1st time this year - mine doesn't look as good as yours. mine is further along than any of my other plants though.

Thank you.

As I mentioned above, I am really liking this variety. The only downside is that it is a hybrid but I don't mind that. I have several hybrids going. There is also apparently a de-hybridized version. This is mentioned here.
Thanks. Yea I love growing in raised beds. They make everything really easy unlike containers. The plants are a little behind and thin because of my leaf removal but they should start doing their thing now. I don't know if you saw in my posts, but I have that Douglah X Scorpion cross you sent me. If you want isolated seeds from this generation let me know.
Thanks for the offer. I started 6 of them, kept the best 4 and they're in the garden now. I plan to select the best one of those for seed and isolate a branch later this season if all goes well.
Thanks. I originally trimmed back the hydro plant because I was starting seeds for this season and needed the room in the grow box. I moved the plant to a #3 nursery pot and stuck it in the corner of the grow box. It filled back in nicely but the new seedlings needed the space. I then moved the plant in front of a window with poor lighting. As a result its new growth was leggy. Once the temperatures became warm enough outside I removed most of the leggy growth and put the trimmed plant outside. A lack of space and lighting was my reasoning behind all this. I wish I could have done what you said. It would have been awesome.

Well that is a pretty obvious answer, that for some reason I couldn't manage to think of. Probably because I was :drunk: at the time. :oops:
Thanks for the offer. I started 6 of them, kept the best 4 and they're in the garden now. I plan to select the best one of those for seed and isolate a branch later this season if all goes well.

No prob. Do you know what generation my seeds are? F2?

Really nice plants Josh. You got this pepper thang down my man! :onfire:

Thanks a lot. Very nice of you to say.

Well that is a pretty obvious answer, that for some reason I couldn't manage to think of. Probably because I was :drunk: at the time. :oops:

Don't beat yourself up.
Plants looking great Josh. Those raised beds will be a green jungle in another month. Do the Goat Pepper Cross pods have much heat? They look a bit like a stretched Savina. Nice work on the photos!
Great plants, Josh. I'm green with envy, so to speak. That Douglah X Scorpion sounds pretty ridiculous, too.

Keep it up!
Plants looking great Josh. Those raised beds will be a green jungle in another month. Do the Goat Pepper Cross pods have much heat? They look a bit like a stretched Savina. Nice work on the photos!

Thanks a lot. I always look forward to the beginning of August. A nice hedge loaded with pods.

I actually haven't tried them yet. I was planning on having them with dinner tomorrow (burritos) but I have to do some electrical upgrades for a new are conditioner. I will let you know after I try them. If I am not too lazy maybe I will snap a picture of one cut open.

Yeah Josh, they're F2.

Cool. Good to know. I would assume we should see some variability in this generation. I am excited to see what I get.

Great plants, Josh. I'm green with envy, so to speak. That Douglah X Scorpion sounds pretty ridiculous, too.

Keep it up!

Thanks. The cross interested me also. I was lucky enough to receive some seeds from SS. Since it is the F2 generation who knows what I am going to get. It should be fun though.
Looking great Josh. Those hydro root balls are INSANE

Thanks. I wish I could have captured the appearance of those roots better. They almost had a pearl like look to them. I felt bad chopping 90% of them off.

Howdy Josh

yup them raised beds are mighty fine looking well done!


Thanks. I love raised bed gardening. I am not the best container grower so the beds seem fail proof.
I sure hope to get my raised bed to produce like yours someday. I think this season is going to end up a learning experience like my container plants were last year. Pictures and success stories like yours keep me motivated to keep continue trying and not give up. Can wait to see some harvest photos.
... Do the Goat Pepper Cross pods have much heat? They look a bit like a stretched Savina. ...

I tried a piece of one last night and it lit me up. My eyes were watering a little and my head was sweating. Regular run of the mill C.Chinense flavor. No throat burn. It was concentrated on the tongue especially the tip. This was the first piece of pod I have tried this season so keep that in mind. It felt hot but I imagine my perspective will change as the season continues on. I did snap a picture of the pod cut open but the lighting was terrible so I decided not to post it.

I sure hope to get my raised bed to produce like yours someday. I think this season is going to end up a learning experience like my container plants were last year. Pictures and success stories like yours keep me motivated to keep continue trying and not give up. Can wait to see some harvest photos.

I am sure you will Mike and thanks for the compliment. Your container plants are doing really well. I don't really have a whole lot of advice because our climates differ greatly. One thing that seems to be good universally though is mulch. I usually shoot for 2-3 inches. This eliminates weeding, helps keep even moisture, and keeps the soil cool on those really hot days. Keep at it.

Your plants look really nice Josh! I also love the way ya have the raised beds setup!



Thanks a lot Kevin. I really like raised bed gardening. I originally started with 6" tall beds but later upgraded to 12 inches. The only reason for the increase in height was my dog. She now stays off them.
I don't really have too much of an update but I did make a bunch of isolation bags yesterday. I was getting tired of the small ones I have used the past 2 seasons. So...I made these big boys.

It took me quite a while because I don't exactly sew every day. They aren't the prettiest but they should get the job done. I was hoping to put them on today but it is raining.
No pics but 1/3 of my golden cayenne plant snapped off today. Not sure what happened. It wasn't all that windy and I don't think my dog did it. It might have been the wind in combination with the weight of the pods. Who knows. This season isn't terrible or anything. But all these little things are adding up. I am looking forward to August and decent harvests though.