Josh's Plants & Pods 2011

Dude, those pods are seriously impressive. Great stuff Josh!

Thanks a lot. It is almost the best time of the year. The plants already have a bunch of pods but I don't have a whole lot of ripening going on. At least not with the C. Chinense varieties. In the coming weeks that will change though.

that super chili plant is wicked sick

Thanks. I actually haven't tried a pod yet but I love the plant. Great candidate for container growing. Fairly compact and loaded with pods.

beautiful Primos

Thanks. I am isolating a few flowers. I would be more than happy to share.

great looking pods.

Thank you very much. Everything will start to ripen soon and I will have to fire up the dehydrator. I can't wait.

Great looking plants Josh. I love those Primos too, but I've yet to see one close to ripe. That and my Douglah are lagging.

Thanks. Same here. All my C. Chinense varieties really. I had some type of bacterial leaf spot going on in the spring. I removed a ton of leaves on several occasions so the plants took a little while to bounce back.

Nice update Josh. Love those pimpled pod pics. :mouthonfire:

Thanks. Me too. There is just something about them. How is your Douglah X Scorpion pods doing. They look like Douglah pods but a bit larger on my plant. I haven't had one ripen yet but we shall see what it does.
wow everything is coming along very nice josh

those primo pods do look really cool

i like that choco bhut pod as well looks :evil:

Great looking Plants Josh. If you dont mind, what mix is in your beds? I am considering giving raised beds another go next season, and you obviously have got it right. Thanks!

One of my bestest, funniest, smartest posts was here but must have been lost with the server issues.

I'm mad at myself for missing your log Josh, looks like I could have learned something from you. Your plants are doing wonderful man, congrats to you.
Well, my last update appears to have been lost to the ether when the server went down. Basically I pointed out how I have been experiencing a lot of breaking branches on my plants. I have not done anything different this year so I cannot account for this change. Several plants are missing large chunks. The worst off is my Golden Cayenne. There is only like 1/6th of the plant left.

Putting that aside, things are still going fairly well and the pods are starting to roll in.

Here are the overall shots of my raised beds.

Chocolate Bhut

Update Continued...


Antillais Caribbean
It is growing fairly well considering it is in the shady spot behind my pool.


Thai Super Hot

Thai Orange

Update Continued...


Early Sunsation

Harvest #1

Harvest #2

Jalapeno Harvest #1

Jalapeno Harvest #2

Poppers! I make them in advance. Then I just bread them, fry them, and finish them in the oven usually topped with more cheese.

I don't know if I read all of them but I want everyone to know that I appreciate all the nice comments you left. They were lost when the server went down. I didn't get the chance to log on and respond but I do remember a few.

I am sorry but I do not remember who commented on the pre-made popper idea. I basically started doing this accidentally. I decided to freeze the poppers, for a short time, so they would be easier to bread and fry. I then thought, why not just make them in advance and pull them out when needed. You can certainly apply the idea to other foods but remember to freeze things separately on a pan. If you throw them all together in a bag you will end up with one big popper or whatever you are making. Now don't get me wrong, a giant popper "loaf" would probably be awesome, but if you want them to remain pop-able freeze them first and then bag them.

Pepper Guru

I am not sure what type of straw it is but I sure like it. I use to use cedar mulch but I definitely prefer the straw. What is pine straw? It isn't pine needles is it?


I did try the Super Chili and was pleased. It has a pretty good tongue burn. It has quite a few seeds but that doesn't really bother me. There isn't anything incredible about the flavor but I don't find it off putting either. So...I do plan on growing it again. The Thai Orange I am growing also has a lot of the same characteristics. I just need to pair them with something with some throat burn and I am set.

Silver Surfer

I have not tried the cross yet. I am a bit apprehensive because I expect there to be stomach discomfort. I will try 1/4 of a pod sometime soon and report back.


I am glad you have found and like my log. It is understandable why it has stayed off the radar. I have been lazy with commenting etc. I have only been logging in like every 2 weeks. I do rapid fire comments and then am usually off for a while. I check the site but am too lazy to log in and comment. I need to get my but in gear. I was going to come on last night but after Jury Duty the life force was sucked right out of me.
Great looking Plants Josh. If you dont mind, what mix is in your beds? I am considering giving raised beds another go next season, and you obviously have got it right. Thanks!


It is kind of a random mix of things. I started growing in 2008 and put in that smaller square bed. It was only 6" high. I picked up bags of topsoil from Home Depot. I also picked up a few bags of Miracle Gro Organic Garden Soil. Then in 2009 I made that bed 12" high. I filled it up with more bagged topsoil. I also picked up bagged compost and manure from my nursery. I don't recall the brands. I grew like 24 containers where I have that long raised bed now. They did horrible and at the beginning of August I planted them all in the ground. As a result, I decided to put a raised bed on that spot in 2010. That year I ordered 4 yards of topsoil with compost mixed in. I removed 3/4 of the soil from the original raised bed and put that in the new one. Then filled both beds to the top. I mixed the two soils together. Sorry I feel that was long winded. There is 132 sq.ft. I just add bagged manure and compost. If you have a larger area it would probably be smarter to order larger quantities. Especially if you have a truck with which you can cart it home. I also fertilize with Espoma Plant Tone every month. That isn't very helpful, but basically find a place that sells decent topsoil in bulk and then add manure and compost. I also mulch with straw which I think is helpful in several ways.

One of my bestest, funniest, smartest posts was here but must have been lost with the server issues.

I'm mad at myself for missing your log Josh, looks like I could have learned something from you. Your plants are doing wonderful man, congrats to you.

I did originally see your post. I do not remember the specifics but it did make me smile. I appreciate the nice comments. I need to get my butt in gear and start logging on more often.
Thanks Josh. I am gonna definitely follow that template for next season. I had a huge drainage issue and was curious if you added any pearlite or similar to your beds. But I guess you just used some good soil and it was light enough. Thanks again.
Wow, your plants look great. Those 7 Pod Primo are scary looking. :eek:

Thank you. Those Primos are really cool. Smaller than my other 7 Pods but definitely an interesting variety.

Awesome Josh. Plants look good and productive.

Thanks. I can't complain. I have more peppers than I know what to do with. Luckily I have a couple family friends who like hot peppers as well.

Thanks Josh. I am gonna definitely follow that template for next season. I had a huge drainage issue and was curious if you added any pearlite or similar to your beds. But I guess you just used some good soil and it was light enough. Thanks again.

Good luck. I also think it is important to somewhat mix the new soil into your native soil. That way the transition in between the bed and the native soil is more fluid. I have not added any perlite. Of course, every year a small quantity is added via my transplants. If you can find large bags for a good price I do think it would be a good addition. In terms of drainage, I believe raised beds lend themselves to better drainage simply from their height above the native soil. I could be wrong about that though. Either way I definitely like raised beds.
I almost forgot but one of the comments that was deleted was in regards to seeds. I do not remember which member asked so if you are reading this please PM me. I believe the original post was for Chocolate Bhuts and one other variety. I still am waiting on most of my isolated pods to ripen. As a result, I won't be looking to give seeds out or trade until the Fall. Say late October or early November. Still, PM me so we can get the ball rolling.
I think my comment was lost with the server crash!
But your beautiful peppers deserve a second one! :dance:
Such awesome pods you have Josh!!
Your plants look soo healthy and full of poddage!!!
Great work man!!!

I think my comment was lost with the server crash!
But your beautiful peppers deserve a second one! :dance:
Such awesome pods you have Josh!!
Your plants look soo healthy and full of poddage!!!
Great work man!!!


Thanks a lot Kevin.

I would however appreciate it if you could top your plants. They are starting to shade my garden up here.