Fresh Trinidad Scorpion Pods - ***OFFER CLOSED***

Finished saucing for today
(bit of a pineapple TS mix...alteration of Texes Blue's recipe)

35oz of fury
AJ, I messaged you about mine..... dry ice might need to be used in the future.. the weight shouldn't matter because of the flat rate box...

about a 1/3 of mine ended up un-useable, they were pretty rubbery/rotten all over once I cut them inside... to start dehydrating them.
AJ, I messaged you about mine..... dry ice might need to be used in the future.. the weight shouldn't matter because of the flat rate box...

about a 1/3 of mine ended up un-useable, they were pretty rubbery/rotten all over once I cut them inside... to start dehydrating them.

complied with your request...sorry...
I received my 2lbs yesterday, looks to be a bit over half a pound that are bad or about to go bad. I'm a bit disappointed and instead of demanding refund, I am simply going to cut my losses. I really don't have any recommendations that haven't already been said prior to the post so I won't beat a dead horse.
Turning these into some sauce for the house as I like to melt more then others. Sweat cleanses eyebrows :rofl: Ron from what I have seen on your garden vids and posts I am sure after the engineer mindset comes into it you'll all but be shipping the plants for us to pick them from.

I made a guy at work roll on the floor only to get up and wipe his teary eyes with his hands he took the peppers with. Totally worth buying them right there.

Being part of the first wave always has it's bugs. Can we say Apple Iphone?
I received my 2lbs yesterday, looks to be a bit over half a pound that are bad or about to go bad. I'm a bit disappointed and instead of demanding refund, I am simply going to cut my losses. I really don't have any recommendations that haven't already been said prior to the post so I won't beat a dead horse.

you don't have to ask my friend...check you paypal account...again, my apologies
Made my hot sauce today. Hands down hottest sauce I have ever made/tasted. I might have to thin it out much more than I already have. My old lady boiled some beets in the same pot I used to make the sauce (the pot was washed twice before she used it). She is still complaining two hours later. I might have to make that pot a chile only pot.

That heat persists!

Thanks again A.J..

forgot to post the sauce i made from your pods. my eyelids sweat when i eat it! the rest of the pods i got(250g.) went into my mash and i cant wait to try it!

used aj's scorpions, carrots, onion, garlic, tomato, white vinegar, lime juice, sea salt, and blue agave nectar
I made sauce with all my Trinidad Scorpion peppers - that was quite the pleasure-pain experience! :eek: :lol:

Introducing my prototype sauce: Davez Xtreme...

All my Scorpions washed and dried, waiting for their chance to become a Davez prototye sauce...


Bottled up...


The color of this sauce is actually a blood-red, not orangey like this pic makes it appear.

Close up...


This is the hotest sauce I've ever made, and perhaps most extreme sauce I've ever tasted - one drop numbs my mouth! :hell:

Cheers to Davez Xtreme! :beer: :hell:
David, I hope you plan on doing your market research for the Xtreme sauce at the NW chilefest party.

Yes, I plan on some market research at the NW chilliest :cool:

I think he has one of those "Honey, I shrunk the kids" machines. :lol: ;)

That's only a bottle of my sauce - my yield was 12 5oz woozies. I made 60 ounces of sauce with 400g of the chilis, so that's approximately 6.66 grams of Trinidad Scorpion chilis per ounce of my sauce. Interesting per ounce ratio, yes? :lol:
Hey AJ your scorps rocked.Yea with 20lbs of peaches and a few other items.Thanks so much.I`ve got peach sauce from hell for my smoker now.
Turned the rest of AJ's scorpions into a pure scorpion thick sauce.

2.5 bottles of pure glory

Thanks again AJ, these pods just keep on given
