Best Method for Applying Epsom Salts

Hi All,

The leaves on my plants are coming up yellow and some leaves are curling. I am decided to use Epsom Salts for the first time. I have read fairly extensively on the subject but haven't had some specific questions answered. So...where to get the very best, tried and true, experience-based opinions than here?

I am wondering if the best way to get the magnesium to the plants is to spray the yellow leaves themselves or if it is better to water with the salts...or to sprinkle the crystals directly on the soil. Or, if I can do a combination of spraying and watering, or would that be too much? The amount of benefits I have read about the Epsom Salts for the pepper plants makes me shake my head that I haven't jumped on the band wagon sooner.

Thanks for your help with my queries.

Thanks for the response millworkman. I have seen that instruction before. I am wondering if it would be too much to spray the leaves and also water the plants with it. Or if that would be fine. Does anyone have any experience working with Epsom Salts that would help me?

Thanks again for your advice.
If you are watering it in go for 1 tablespoon per gallon. It will take longer to see results by watering in as foliar application is about as close to instant(one day) as possible. I would go ahead and do both if you are worried about them. Throw a tiny bit of nutes in either way and watch your babies soak it on!
If you are watering it in go for 1 tablespoon per gallon. It will take longer to see results by watering in as foliar application is about as close to instant(one day) as possible. I would go ahead and do both if you are worried about them. Throw a tiny bit of nutes in either way and watch your babies soak it on!

That's great to see. I have several plants that have very pale yellow leaves and I want a quick fix. But with this great advice I feel more confident about spraying the plants with Epsom and also watering them with it. I already have fertilizer happening, of course. This is just as a supplement. Thank you again for this advice. Very much appreciated!
i have also heard of spraying the plants for blossom drop. is this true? my last 2 plants lost 80% of the flowers. i am looking for a solution. thanks.