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Who here has the most varieties of Seed?

I am proud to have 80 different types of seeds. I am cheating a little as I am double counting some that were open pollinated, counting them as separate from known "pure" seed. If I eliminate these and some generations of my superchiles that have the same characteristics, I am down to 75.

Who here has a seed collection with the most varieties? How many types of Chiles are there anyway?

Post your number.
IIRC 32 different types only but I'm happy with what I have and will eventually go back to growing my favorite type per season
I've known Chris for some time and have found he has quite a few varieties that he has grown over the years. His generosity is well known and is the one person that lead me here in my search for wild peppers, which now has changed into growing one species that has the most super hot peppers in.
My numbers have dropped over time, but I guess maybe only 30 now, I have about 8 that are rare wild pepper species which I try and grow out every couple of years. The super hots are new to me but I have a number of hybrids that I didn't count, I plan to grow them out as best I can where their unique genes are not contaminated.
I have 65 varieties. More then enough for me.

Once you get into triple digits, you're just collecting unstable hybrids. Stuff like Jonny's rockin' super purple Habamorugapeno. Not a real variety btw, just being sarcastic.
So there are only 99 legit types of peppers?

Pretty much. There's thousands of "legit" types as you put it, but a lot of them are the same peppers under different names.

Side note, don't let your bitterness on the gun issue, spill over to pepper talk. Thanks! :)
I pretty much avoid crosses.Have very few commercial hybrids too.

I don't think that what I have is even a drop in the bucket compared to all the different varieties, land race and heirloom stuff from around the world.

Who knows how many wilds around the world there are.

I'd say there are probably tens of thousands of different varieties in the world,if not more.
Mexico alone has to have a couple thousand,at least,I'd think.

What makes a pepper LEGIT as opposed to re named?

So Goat weed from Venezuela is the same as Black Dragon from Vietnam or Chile Negro De Arbol from Mexico?
They all are fuzzy with black pods?
Grown side by side they do have differences between each other in several ways.
Are Black Chile Verde ,Black Cobra,Chile Negro De Arbol,Black Tree Chile all the same?
Black pods,gray fuzzy plant.Different pod shape if compared side by side.Plants are different side by side.

Where do you get 99 from?Or even ONLY a couple Thousand?,Oh I guess you just trolled it up. LOL

I bet I could name 99 Totaly different Annuums alone easily.