contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Finally cracked some shells over here. A couple popped a tap root yesterday afternoon. I was way to busy with work and a nighttime snowboarding session to put them in the dirt yesterday, but I got them planted tonight.

A Few Hatch-lings



I reserved a nice spacious corner lot in my 6 tray just for them. I sowed four seeds in a single cell, one in each corner. I'll put a few more in A-OK starter plugs that will make up my "last" tray of the season. Hopefully I have some hookers in a couple days. :pray:
If you have some seeds Rich( pepperguru) go with it. I closed out the free seeds and shipping but anyone can play if they have the right strain!!!! Well let me check with the comish will be back shortly :party:

All is good in love and peppers as far as I am concerned, as long as Guiness gets called at the end I don't care who grows it!

Man those enlisted men must make some serious mula, Vegas twice o_O or he's winning big and not telling us :D
Eff all-a-y'all! I am going to Vegas for a photoshop convention to learn how to manipulate my finishing photos for this contest!
at the risk of giving away some sort of advantage.... these seeds need to be "coaxed".

take a little razor and scratch the seed where the root emerges. ive been doing this for a while now, and its remarkable how well it works. ive done this with many annums that seem to have a tough time poping the root out. if i had to guess id say this will work for pretty much any seed that has swollen but is not able to pop.

i usually dont bother doing this, but for the sake of experimintation.

basically soak them till they swell... then scratch the seed open. mine poped 12 hours later.

if i had to guess the seeds are basically mechanically unable to let the root out? pretty much sealed shut. it also may be that the scratch or puncturing is actually letting more moisture into the seed allowing it to germ faster? id guess its the former however, given the seeds already swollen.
at the risk of giving away some sort of advantage.... these seeds need to be "coaxed".

take a little razor and scratch the seed where the root emerges. ive been doing this for a while now, and its remarkable how well it works. ive done this with many annums that seem to have a tough time poping the root out. if i had to guess id say this will work for pretty much any seed that has swollen but is not able to pop.

i usually dont bother doing this, but for the sake of experimintation.

basically soak them till they swell... then scratch the seed open. mine poped 12 hours later.

if i had to guess the seeds are basically mechanically unable to let the root out? pretty much sealed shut. it also may be that the scratch or puncturing is actually letting more moisture into the seed allowing it to germ faster? id guess its the former however, given the seeds already swollen.

Refresh my memory on th wetting agent you were talking about a while back.
the wetting agent has nothing to do with germing my seeds, im not sure if i understand.
i use something called drexel surfact 820. its just plain jane APE(alkylphenol etholilate)

what is it you are looking to do? i only use wetting agents for spraying and making peat lite mix.
if you are looking to wet peat, check out my peatlite thread.
If you have some seeds Rich( pepperguru) go with it. I closed out the free seeds and shipping but anyone can play if they have the right strain!!!! Well let me check with the comish will be back shortly :party:

WooHoo!!!!!!!!!! I'm in :)

I really wanted to join in, but was too late.
Kevin KINDLY sent me some seeds anyway, and they should be here soon :)

Yippee sign me up!!!!!

There is a 30 foot tree on the western edge of one of the garden spaces that will make a good trellis....I would be perfectly happy if the pepper plant took it over and utterly dominated/killed the tree...LOL