contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

No signs of roots yet, but tomorrow they go into their cubes whether they are ready or not. Its been 4 days and no sign of any root buds so in they go, maybe that and a little more heat will do the trick.
No signs of roots yet, but tomorrow they go into their cubes whether they are ready or not. Its been 4 days and no sign of any root buds so in they go, maybe that and a little more heat will do the trick.

Hmmmm 4 days no roots? I planted mine yesterday no soaking dry seeds into the soil, HMMM FOUL!!!!! CHEATER!!!!!! Those extra days are needed? Oh yeah your in a colder climate than us Floridians, GL with that head start you gonna need it!!!! :dance: :shh: :shame: :drunk: :violin: :whistle:
No taps yet here. I wish I would've soaked in tea instead of water. Anyone who didn't cheat seeing signs of life yet?
Nah man...I got home yesterday and though I already had a hook! Peeked in the germ tray and saw that tell tale white nub on top of the pellet...WTF??? Oh yeah I got the super ninja seeds from Kevin!!! :dance:

...only to realize it was one of the seeds just sitting there on top that I forgot to cover up...ughhh, guess that's what you get when you plant seeds at 3:30 in the morning. :rofl:
I put all my seeds that I had soaking in Coir Pellets Saturday and ended up running to walmart to get a 72 peat moss Jiffy set up which I hate using. I will spray the pellets with some Peroxide in a day or two. I was way off on how many seeds I had soaking besides the Birgits Locoto seeds I had just figured on 50 pepper plants total, but ended up with 110, so I will be picking out the weak. I had expected to see hooks on the Locoto seeds but I had two different Annuums that had hooks, every thing else were just plump. It looks like some of the Plants will have to be fenced in So my sister's Dog "The Jaws of Death" won't eat them, last year she climbed over a wire fence that protected a 6ft. Peach tree and Ate the thing, So what ever goes outside the protected Garden will have some electric wire to keep the plants safe, at least thats the game plan. The Locoto that gets picked will go into a preselected Safe zone in a 30-35 gallon tub and the rest will get 5 gallon buckets. I will have to watch the road area also to make sure the road crew doesn't over spray for weeds and
kill the garden out. I had that happen one year and my tomatoes and peppers damn neared killed out from the over spray, so now I protect my plants with tarp when they come by and spray the road.
Jeff ,I will be glad to send you some seeds man,if you just want to grow the Birgit Locoto and play along at home! :)

I would love to! Sorry I haven't been on in a bit to see this, my access to the internet is through my phone and work. But I would ove to grow em up! I sent you a pm back on the 7th with my info, thanks a bunch! I only need a couple seeds.
Nothing moving here yet...bummer. I was hoping for at least one fast mover so I could get it under the lights before I leave for 3 days. My germ trays are under a blanket so if they pop they'll be leggy as hell by the time I get back...even worse, I am going to Vegas this weekend so if they ain't up by Thursday night I may have to take the germ tray to Vegas with me!!! Knew it would be a tall order to get them to move in 4-5 days but I crossed my fingers and everything damnit!