contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Soaking is starting. How can you soak before the start date/time? I believe a penalty or DQ is in order for any early starters. Let the jury decide.
Nothing was set in stone that I recall. This contest was created in a sleep deprived and rum induced stupor. That,accompanied by the "no rules" clause makes it rock!! If someone wants to plant their seeds early so be it. I'm sure a few folks have done so already. IMO that isn't going to be what wins this.

^^^ + 1 !!!
Hell to the yea brother!!!
I reckon some folks here could start seeds in May and win this thing! :P

Ladies ,,it is officially ON!
Birgit's Locoto in the water they go-go.



Never been very punctual. I'm gonna need those 54 minutes come Halloween. :doh:
This will be for the biggest plant! :dance:
No rules!!!! Any medium any ferts ! :party:

Seeds will be given to anyone who is up to the challenge.10 seeds. You can grow as many plants as you like.
Post here first,that you are participating, then PM kevin ( wayright) . He is disqualified from the competition due his ability to grow 20 foot monsters :rofl:

Birgits Locoto will be the pepper grown. A tasty C Baccatum,with a nice heat level!

Pics are expected every two or three weeks with proof of life. ( a monetary cash value we will make up every 2 or 3 weeks)
Contest will run until Halloween 2013,but a pic from any point this season can be used as your final entry.

The winner not only gets the notoriety, of being the Tallest plant grower!
Some prizes will be offered also!
Participants are encouraged to add to the prize pool ??something small???! Powder , Sauce ,Seed,,,Pods from your losing plant !! :cool:

Once everyone has entered the competiion and has given feedback on the rules I will make the final regulations if any. John ( Prodigal_son) has already stated he would give the winner 3 bottles of Brian's ( Kneppers Peppers) amazing sauces and 10 packs of seed. I will give an oz of my special powder blend. Providing I am not the winner then I will give it to myself.

There is a two week time limit to enter competition. Feel free to pm me or Kevin if you have any questions or even better just post them on this thread! Don't enter if you ain't gonna play. We wil know where you live :shh: Contest is limited to US residents only .

Let's get this growdown throwdown on peeps!!! Have until February 16th to enter. Unless the groundhog see's his shadow ;)
i just want to grow a good plant this year. Good luck to all.
Just sowed my seeds. I took a pic with a whole dolllar. Any proof is okay. This is a long contest so I don't think a few days even a few weeks will matter . Wildseed we will let you slide but would like a pic of what everyone has going in the next few weeks. Good luck and may the best grower win.

I wil post pic later Gators!!

Here we go folks!!! Only a 6 hr soak, but I gotta drive back up to LA until tomorrow night so in the dirt they went this morning. Good luck all. I really don't care if you started early or not. Gonna be fun either way!