contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

planted mine at 4 pm today :)
Well, freak . . . now if I try to kill this thing it might grow into a monster . . .


Why does this tray look so dirty and BEAT UP?! As I was soaking the seed, I dropped the soaking cup. Had to look for seeds. Found them on cold concrete and considered that scarification or something. Cleaned then soaked/sowed seed. The youngest cat decided to take a NAP on the 1020 on heat mat with the lone tray of Birgits and smashed the dome, the seed tray, as I punched out the 1020 = cartoon-time. After water-boarding the cat, I collected the soil, hopefully seed, as I have macular dystrophy and probably sowed perlite except for one seed. THEN, my father came over because he just had to see new furnace :rolleyes: and knocked the entire 1020 tray on the floor but by then, I had packed this stuff in so well, and it had sat so long, the soil didn't budge in the individual tray. And today, rather, yesterday afternoon, while potting up what I thought was last of pepper seedlings that were gonna pop, I unplugged the heat mat, accidentally, when plugging in a fan to bring in fresh and COLD air from outside, as it's been unseasonably cold here lately. Thus, as I was about to soak tomato seed just now, noticed big heat mat was not on. It was "chilled" to say least. Turned it back on, started to put tomato seed in soak solution, but just thought I'd look, as I had sown the last of the pepper seedlings gonna hook this afternoon. I thought. Now, this poor little seedling has been through hell to survive and it did all this and bag of chips today. On an OFF heat mat. One more masochistic/abused/determined little seedling. It may die overnight but I think the thang's immortal. smh
Well, put the thing under lights and it looks shrived aka "half-past dead" this morning so heck, it must love abuse: put in back in tray on heat mat . . . weird.
Many particpents but not many pics of seedlings.

Let's see what you guys got.

This is not a get free seeds and vanish contest.

We need documentation.
Yeah, pictures would be nice.........heck, I'm not even in this "beanstalk" tournament
Maybe a POL once they have popped??? Or...just a pol. We cold also put together a list of those that have posted their progress...and those that have yet to post??? Up to you boss, you know I am a compulsive poster so don't push me too hard, or this thing might make a 1000 pages!

I am making the drive home tonight, hope to see some little true leaves forming!!!
I'll see about getting a working Camera, so I can verify that I have up and growing plants, at this point they are just a inch tall and look like a lot of other peppers that have just come up.
Once I get my camera going I'll be able to take pics as much as needed, I should get some pics in a couple of days and yah I know I promised pics earlier, :liar: but didn't expect my computer to go down either which really hurt me in the pocket when I could least afford it. :violin:
Once I get settled I'll get every thing taken care of promiss. :rolleyes:
ill get some photos up... been lazy and there not much happening right now... not yet. just wait till the spray bottles full of magic come out tho.

whats the deal with proof of life coins? not sure if i understand.