contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

ill get some photos up... been lazy and there not much happening right now... not yet. just wait till the spray bottles full of magic come out tho.

whats the deal with proof of life coins? not sure if i understand.

I believe at the "proof of life time request", you just take, and post, a photo with the plant and whatever coin is requested at the time...quarter, penny etc...
Yeah we are very lax here :high: but we would like to follow these guys from babies to grown ups. That is the fun of this here contest. Also makes sure you didn't enter just for the free seeds. Shane will be going thru this thread with a fine tooth comb and for those individuals who never show a pic and or a update :shame: , he has mine and Kevins authorization to send his boys in and take the seeds back from those of you who do not comply :liar: Deadly force if necessary ;)
are you insinuating we would join a contest for 10 free seeds? or that we would enter a previously grown plant to win this hallowed contest?

we are all men\women of dignity here sir....

my pics will be up tomorrow or so, so the "auditors" can clear my entry.


here are mine....
Guess I'm off the HOOK for postage to Colorado! OK...lets all just take it easy on here...I'll show you mine if you show me yours! :dance:
Just started a flickr account to try to get away from photobucket...lets see if it works???

Got 4 that look like this one...and one that just shed its 5!!! Y'all in trouble. I will try to surf through later tonight and gather what's been posted if you guys want me to...but I may be drunk posting and screw it all up!

I know a couple of folks havent had time to get a sprout,and a few that are waiting to plant em..

Would be a shame to have a new grower get discouraged if he hasnt had any luck yet!!

Post piccys if ya got em,,Lie and tell us they are huge if ya dont :cool:

Anyone in the Growdown who hasn't had luck yet, PM me for some new seeds.

That is sweet Noah! I can't do what you do with the paper towel thingy(jam tweezers in my eyes) but I like the cup and lid method. I'm guessing you can keep the temp in that box consistant and get the seed zone temp perfect,and not just the bottom of the cells right?

I lean more towards this way every year. The paper towel thing is more for my curiosity to watch the seed actually pop. This box is all manual but i get to check on it every 4 hrs or so and adjust as necessary. Being in my unheated detached garage and temps outside below 40 this time of year for highs I unscrew lights to cool it down or plug vent holes to heat it up. It really never gets above 87 but gets down to 65. I like this variation as it more resembles nature to me with nighttime temp fluctuations. And I just like to mess around.