Recent content by Ashen

  1. Ashen

    food The Last Great Pizza Thread

    It's been a summer of figuring out how to get decent results from the backyard pizza oven we bought . A few pies along the way ,plus homemade pita. .
  2. Ashen

    food BREAKFAST!!!

    SL- it has probably always been my favourite foid thread here . I love me some breakfast . I was actually just telling some coworkers about you last week when I let them try some Pure Evil . I was telling someone that you figured out a 13 mil version, and they thought you had to be...
  3. Ashen

    food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

    my in-laws moved recently. We had been been keeping some things in their chest freezer, but lost track of dates on some tri tip steaks . A little too freezer burnt to grill, so I ground them up for steak burgers not expecting much Dam! straight ground trip tip makes a great steak...
  4. Ashen

    food BREAKFAST!!!

    smoked meat hash poached egg dill pickle Serrano hot sauce I love being able to wander outside for fresh herbs this time of year.
  5. Ashen

    Funny pic of the day. Anyone?

  6. Ashen

    Funny pic of the day. Anyone?

    Not technically impossible though. 😉
  7. Ashen

    movies Sci-Fi

    the artificial spin gravity of ceres and other asteroids and stations is explained in a bit more detail in the novels. the Coriolis effect changes from outer levels to center. levels that aren't optimal tend to be where the lower classes live. the scene where Miller is given orders to find...
  8. Ashen

    movies Sci-Fi

    I'm reading through the expanse novels right now and doing a following rewatch of the series at same time. it is pretty amazing how well the series is able to bring the the books to life . I like the slight rework of the events to make it work better for the screen.
  9. Ashen

    Funny pic of the day. Anyone?

  10. Ashen

    heat The beginning of the end for Jalapeno?

    Salsa Lady has our backs if need be. Af few drops of pure evil in the jar will rectify the situation. 🔥🌶️
  11. Ashen

    Funny pic of the day. Anyone?

  12. Ashen

    food Smoke Somethin

    top sirloin cap, kosmos brisket injection, black pepper on outside hot indirect with smoke . taken to 130f internal with 10 min rest
  13. Ashen

    food Smoke Somethin

    A little siderib /sparerib experiment that turned out excellent. bacon cured ribs. in cure for five days. rinse and dry on a rack to form pellicle. mix of bourbon barrel and sugar maple for the smoke excellent to eat straight up, also stocked in freezer to use in baked beans, stew etc...
  14. Ashen

    Funny pic of the day. Anyone?

    rookie #’s for Thursday 😂
  15. Ashen

    favorite Top 5 favorite breweries?

    things change, one closed, a couple have fallen off slightly and some new players in the game . in no order again Wellington Nickel Brook (spelled correctly this time) Storm Stayed Fairweather Royal City - this is more of a vibe pick than for straight up great beer (5 mins from home, cool...