And a mimosa to wash it down. Made fresh with tangerine and naval orange and California champagne.

wandered into kitchen to make coffee and breakfast.

had leftover crepe batter but didn't want anything sweet, so went fridge clean out mode.

find a few slices of black forest ham on its 3rd day, last small piece of asiago. son of friends has started raising chickens to sell eggs so we have 3doz at moment.

I can work with that.

rolled ham , egg, cheese crepes
topped with parm, chives ,pepper and HeartBeat pickle serrano hotsauce as you do .

most things i eat are getting this sauce on top these days . even corn on the cob


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breakfast for dinner a few days ago
dropped achunk of home cured peameal bacon on the grill to roast indirect with a small amount of sugar maple smoke . brushed with maple syrup a few times during last ten minutes.
local blueberries season is in full swing
and Donnalee makes killer pancakes.

sorry no heat element on this, I need to infuse more maple syrup at some point when I get some fresh pods

next morning PBLT wirh leftover peameal .
heartbeat dill pickle serano suace on that





SL- it has probably always been my favourite foid thread here .

I love me some breakfast .

I was actually just telling some coworkers about you last week when I let them try some Pure Evil .

I was telling someone that you figured out a 13 mil version, and they thought you had to be crazy.

I told her, you just make the potions for the crazy people .