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  • Pickin up the subs and heading north in a few hours, may even have some time to slip home and get some RIPE pods before headin back out....
    Hoping my baggy of greens turn for me out here
    hehehe,man I 'm really really hungry too..oh sh*t wrong forum!
    Soon going to be smokin the big ole fat ones......Scorpions, with cherry wood...remember pepper forummmmmm. lol
    Wood makes me cough-hehehe-too funny!
    Hey, no problem. I used the 7 pot sauce the other day on my pork chops. Nice flavor and the heat really built up after about half the pork chop.
    Back from the road trip, weapons cleaned and RESTING!Hot Stuff took some time out of a hectic schedule to show me his cascading hydroponic garden and provided me with a few fresh pods to keep me in heat for the trip.Then a week of sauce making;Smoky Hot Red(scorps,nagas,bhuts,red 7's;7 pot pineapple mango fig,and a 6 Chili Chocolate Jerk sauce-you'd think I'd be "sauced out"... instead I'm back out on the water, lookin for any excuse to use Kneppers Seventh Circl...
    so what excuses have you found. Always like to hear what people like my sauces on.
    fried and baked chicken,fish,seafood chowder(perfect),pork roast,real split pea soup,italian sausage...and shrimp.At the house -cheddar cheese slices and smoked pork sausage washed down with cold Shiner!But thats about "all" so far...
    ...first order when I get back on the dirt is gonna be
    using it on some ceviche.
    Your seeds are going out today. Can't wait to hear of your success!!
    Stay in touch, Jack
    Glad you liked it. Picking has been rain delayed until next Friday. Will get you those seeds then.
    Damn-Pre beer diversion to the Olympic Intervention IV, instead of heading to the house from HOS Iron Horse.2 wks till mtn bike,8 weapons of choice,6,000 rnds of .50 Beowulf,45 Auto,7.62 Nato,270 Weatherby Mag, 5.7mm ammunition get packed into the FJ for the shootout at Lake of the Ozarks.
    hot stuff
    hot stuff
    Interestingly my parents are on their way up here today also.
    I was wondering if you got my PM about the powder you wanted to order? Just want to know if you still need it or not. Let me know either way. :)
    Hit and run here, I believe everything arrived as ordered-will check in later pm,gotta run 4 now....
    Dirtside finally, hopefully have time to go check on how the brood faired in TS Lee...and back out in the deep blue for Thursday.....
    What's on your mind?Rockin-rollin at foul weather anchorage , sh*t flyin everywhere, internet droppin out...wondering about my 44 pepper plants at home-this keeps up...I'll go take a nap!!When the going gets rough...sleep through it.....
    Just pulled into Mobile,Alabama, customs boarded the vessel tossed all the rooms and raped(searched EVERY drive)all the laptops and computers on the vessel; 4 fun filled hours, they left us scratching our heads, and themselves empty handed-no explanation given;fun stuff...
    so now I will add a quote to my signature ;)..."A gov't big enough to give you everything you need, is big enough to take every thing you have."
    true that brother.
    WTF! Did they have a warrant? They probably saw so much porn! Love your biography! That's definately me, can I borrow?
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