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  • Well, 3 day weekend is over, it was nice while it lasted! Back to the machine shop in the morning.
    Got ahold of some "Presidential poop" from Montpelier, home of James Madison :) Black and full of worms, already composted.
    If you could distil the air of DC---------
    Haha and the 2013 and the 2014...going to get a truck load tomorrow. FREE. Madison would be proud of the quality feces coming from his home
    load of crap. just like your deal with bakers. dont believe everything you read. your order slipped threw the cracks? i guess your 3 e-mails also slipped?
    Spring looks like it's here. 79º high today. One more night this week with a low of 35º and I think I'm in the clear!
    I think I may have killed some of my overwinters a few days ago....the forecast said 45º overnight and it was frost when I woke up XD. We'll see.
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Frost will toast foliage, but as long as temps weren't too low for too long, roots and stems may still be viable. Hopefully it just set them back a bit.
    they're basically dormant, just green sticks...well now some of them are brown sticks so it's looking grim :(
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    That. Sucks. All that work… Hopefully the root crowns are still OK and will flush some shoots!
    After another 70º weekend we're getting a late March snow storm this week. Any day now, Spring.
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