Recent content by Helvete

  1. Helvete

    C. pubescens and Alaska

    I had considered that the elevation might have something to do with it in the native range, it's only 90ft above sea level here but down there it definitely will be cooler and have greater temper swings.  I'd like to visit the "temperate" areas of Central America some time, like certain areas of...
  2. Helvete

    Blue Ribbon Fatalii peppers :D

    awesome!  it does look orange in pictures lol
  3. Helvete

    C. pubescens and Alaska

    I've been growing 2 orange manzano plants since October, started them from seeds I plucked out of one of the THP seed trains a few years ago.  I had never tried to grow them when I lived in the South but from what I understand they probably have a hard time with the persistent heat and humidity...
  4. Helvete

    Holy Moley!!

    Do you plan to overwinter any of your plants?
  5. Helvete

    Berry pickin'

    looks good   I'll be getting quite a lot of berries this week if I have the energy in between salmon fishing   I ate so much halibut yesterday I actually felt miserable today lol
  6. Helvete

    Sounds like something a trip to the countryside might help

    Sounds like something a trip to the countryside might help
  7. Helvete

    It's really noticeable here because it's more like 6 months of spring

    It's really noticeable here because it's more like 6 months of spring
  8. Helvete

    Blue Ribbon Fatalii peppers :D

    this is the same plant with a few flowers on it right now ;)   I know a lot of people have seeds from this plant so I figured I'd give you some good news...3rd season and going strong  
  9. Helvete

    Mailing adult plants?

    Well everyone, here she is!  The mother Fatalii  
  10. Helvete

    Helvete's 2016 Organic Alaskan Grow

    Hey everyone, manzano peppers like growing in AK!  My other plants are flowering and fruiting too, hopefully I'll get more pics soon!      
  11. Helvete

    "Summer" is already fading here...

    "Summer" is already fading here...
  12. Helvete

    hydroponics Homemade Hydroponic Nutrients

    Here you go.   Fermented Plant Extracts
  13. Helvete

    lighting Lighting for indoor grow

    if you use t5 it's much better to go with HO ballasts.   HPS are great but are somewhat expensive as far as upkeep and bulb replacement.  T5HO bulbs last about a year each and do fine for peppers as long as you have enough of them.  There's a pinned thread in this (Grow Tech) forum explaining...
  14. Helvete

    outdoors Summer Fishing Anyone???

    This is my first summer doing salmon fishing, ...the sheer amount of them that run up these rivers is mind boggling, at the height of the run they're so thick that they bump into and swim between your legs   I'm used to lake fishing for bass back in the South so this has me pretty pumped up.   ...
  15. Helvete

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?