Recent content by JamesC0017

  1. JamesC0017

    hot snacks!

    I don't find them as hot as others tend to, but these sure are delicious:
  2. JamesC0017

    review The Morouga Red Monster Review by JamesC0077

    Just chewing and swallowing that monster would work up a sweat, but yes it was very hot. I enjoyed it, so I wouldn't say suffering...but it certainly kicked in an endorphin rush.
  3. JamesC0017

    review The Morouga Red Monster Review by JamesC0077

    Yeah this pod should never have been in my mouth all at once...simply dangerous....stomach pain was the worst, shouldn't have tried the pepper on a relatively empty stomach. I hate the fact that it is blurry. My rugged good looks were compromised do to the lack of clarity.
  4. JamesC0017

    review The Morouga Red Monster Review by JamesC0077

    The stomach cramps were pretty intense...I hadn't eaten that much before that. The pepper was great though. It is impossible to not coat your entire mouth, lips, etc. It really did kick my cold though, aside from the stomach cramps, I feel great.
  5. JamesC0017

    I've got the Itch...

    I may need something burns when I ....
  6. JamesC0017

    I've got the Itch...

    Hello everyone, After trying Judy's (Pepperlover's) 7-Pot Lava and Brown Moruga Scorpion, I am itching to review any new exclusive (trademarked or otherwise) peppers, sauces, rubs, etc. I am not sure if this post is in the right spot, but if anyone would like me to review their products...
  7. JamesC0017

    7 Pot Primo review

    I just saw this thread :). Thanks Judy, anytime.
  8. JamesC0017

    Yellow Devil's Tongue (Judy at

    Hey Everyone, I hadn't been feeling too great, sorry for the delay. Here is the Yellow Devil's Tongue from Judy at This is a great pepper, not too hot, but very tasty. All the best, James Carney
  9. JamesC0017

    review Compmodder26's Review Thread

    Great reviews, brother!
  10. JamesC0017's 7-POT LAVA!!! This pod was the hottest....

    This is another review of the Lava by Ted Barrus. His was damaged a bit, but still hot. He felt the Brown Moruga and the "G-Strain"of the HP22B (which I have not tried) were hotter than the Lava. This may or may not have had to do with the damage to the pepper and the placenta so he will be...
  11. JamesC0017

    Check out the 7-Pot Lava review!! <a...

    Check out the 7-Pot Lava review!! <a href="!" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">!</a>
  12. JamesC0017

    Hello from Connecticut

    Hello everyone, I am a little late to the introduction game as I have already posted multiple reviews for Pepperlover. My name is James Carney and I live in Hamden, Connecticut with my wife and two sons. I also have my 19 year old brother staying with me when he is not away at College...
  13. JamesC0017's 7-POT LAVA!!! This pod was the hottest....

    It is very funny you should say that. I am a former police officer and while at the Academy (at least in Connecticut), cadets are required to allow an instructor to spray you with your own O.C. Spray. It was not fun. I believe mine was over 5 million SHU. The worst part is that after we were...
  14. JamesC0017

    review's Brown Moruga Scorpion review!!!

    That is very nice of you to say. Thank you so much. I review for people that do things I only wish I could do. All the best, Carney
  15. JamesC0017's 7-POT LAVA!!! This pod was the hottest....

    Judy, I think that the stomach pain was rougher than the brown moruga, but the moruga stomach cramps lasted longer. This pepper is insane. I love it.