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  • About to start a murderous stretch of work consisting of twelve 12 hrs shifts in 14 days with two shift changes. I can't wait, but tonight we drink!
    Shit, good luck man
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Where you at?
    12 our shifts are easy peasy, I did them for 6 months straight then had a 1 and a half drive home then a 1 and a half drive to work, so thats a 15 hour day. easy peasy
    Just sobered up yesterday. Well, Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. That was awful.
    aaahhhh the good ole days :)
    Joyner's 7pot Burgundy is a perfect match for tenderloin tips and toast. Note to self, try not to be so heavy handed with it next time.
    I know I have been absent for a while, between the hunting and the working, and Christmas obligations. I have neglected THP. I will however, once again be hosting our NYE Party thread hopefully with Scovie, CJ, GM, SL, and many more. I wish everyone Happy Holidays.
    Well, I'm back. I finally got time and motivation to fi my computer, and I did it all by myself. Of course I am very computer illiterate so it took me six hours. I successfully took it apart cleaned the fan, took out the RAMs, did a restart, put it back together and it worked. Then I had no internet connection. I spent hours working on that one and finally did a system restore and figured out it something with my security that needed reset. Long story short. I'm back.
    So I had the supposed best sandwich in the USA yesterday at D'Nic's at Philly's Reading Terminal Market. It was a juicy roast pork sandwich with sharp provolone cheese and topped with broccoli raub on an Italian roll. It was fantastic, but I do question whether it is the best sandwich in the USA. I will continue my quest to find the best and let you know when I do.
    I think the best sandwich in the USA is something that you're going to make yourself. ; )
    Come to Louisiana. The best sandwich, you shall find.
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    I always imagined the best sandwich hides somewhere in the midwest. Iowa maybe?
    I have decided that I am going to try to find out how many ways I can use fish sauce. Pok Pok wings will definitely be among them.
    Totally amazed yesterday, I found ghost peppers, scorpions, and even Reapers at the local farmer's market! $1 a pint box.
    That really is an amazing deal. Our local farmer's markets rarely get any hot peppers, let alone super hots. One of them even tried to say unripened habaneros were ghost peppers.
    Buy them while you can.
    Started physical therapy yesterday. They pulled and pushed me and twisted me up like a pretzel. I hurt more when I left than before I went in! Hope this gets better soon.
    I'm counting on that.
    Yeah Brother therapee in my pants i hurt so bad after my last visit. :) Hang in there brother the end is in site.
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Ha! (At oldsaltty, not you Jay. Back pain is no laughing matter.)
    I have a new business idea. I am going to use a bottle of SL's new 12mil Pure Evil, put a single drop on each M&M from a small bag and sell them individually for $9.95. Hottest candy ever! Who wants one?
    Ok can hardly wait to pay then be ignored. Have my order put on back order than completely lost. Then forgotten about all together. Thank You for you quick service . i will forward payment asap. Check will be in the mail. Thanks again unsatisfied customer
    You my friend are the perfect customer for me. I will explain tomorrow when the drugs wear off.
    hahahahahaha Jay i really like you :)
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