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  • I'd like to teach the world to sing
    in perfect harmony
    I'd like to hold it in my arms
    and keep it company....
    Something about egg rolls for breakfast tells me that this is going to be a good day.
    When i am done here, you will all be wearing gold plated diamonds!
    I prefer my diamonds bare, thank you...
    Suits me just fine ;)
    Prarie Fire shots of tequila and hot sauce always seem like a good idea at 1am. They are not.
    Its officially Spring now. I grilled today for the first time.
    Davez Foodz
    Davez Foodz
    I screwed up and put the pics in the Grill Smoker thread. Oops.
    ...been real good! I just got back from Little Creek, training with the Beachmasters on Sunday night.....so I'm a bit behind on the food posts! How are things going over your way?
    Still in the big dry ditch. 2 more weeks to go. Rescued a lost dog today and found its owner. I am superman. After all the drunken nacho love in DC Ima makin' me some seafood nachos on Friday. Somebody stop me!
    I'm thinking about buying a new Brinkman water smoker. I wore my old one out.
    I have a great idea for a new and improved McDonald's McRib sandwich. Make real racks of babyback ribs with a rub, bbq sauce, and a sprinkling of Nova's Douglah powder. Then pull the meat off the bones, pile it on a sandwich, add pickles, and pepperjack cheese. They would make millions!
    Their company seems to be happy riding a long history (staying middle of the road) instead of trying to make something that taste great. It's convience not taste
    texas blues
    texas blues
    What? McJay? You mean the McBeer! Beer me Jay.
    I have a contest for you all. If you can get my member reputation up to "Good" by Friday evening, I will eat a microwave hotdog.
    Gettin' ready for a THROWDOWN!
    I haven't ever started cooking my throwdown entry at five am before!
    I am quite happy with how this has turned out! Pork, peppers, and beer, how can you go wrong with that?
    Gonna try again today. I think I will have to crank things up a bit if I want to have a chance to win.
    I read alllllll of the spring has sprung thread. To me it only enforces what i already knew, Derwoods a fucking lunatic! :D
    Totally diggin' HBD's 1498. I'm made some sirloin tips with it for sammys last night and eating leftovers right now. Good stuff.
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