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  • I don't either, but found out on your page, there is a "user rating" on the right side of the page and when I clicked the fith star, your rep went up. Seems useless though, we all know who the good ones are around here.
    still eating oxtail. I can't get enough of this stuff. If you have never had it give it a try! I can't believe this is the first time I made it. What took me so long?
    wow, JayT really? I love oxtail!
    Oxtail plus some onion/celery/carrot in a pressure cooker makes wicked good beef broth.
    Dude! You have been missed this weekend. Lots of Foodbauchery goings on and we needed you to join in. Booooooo on Jay's absence.
    Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..............................................Where are You, you're missing some fun.
    Could go either way on whether he's in or out. Might have to consult my witchdoctor for the answer.
    WoopWoop!!! It's great to be back. I'm just chillin today, gotta work tonight, boooo! But I have been off the past 5 days so it's all good.
    I think I have a pepper hangover today. Ate way too much spicy stuff yesterday.
    Is that even possible? Can there be such a thing as "too much spicy stuff"????
    I dunno, but my stomach sure thinks so today. I think I will be getting to know my bathroom a little better much of the day.
    spray painting the porcelain throne today eh?
    Bower's Pepper Festival, then the Kutztown Tavern for Ghost Chili Wings and microbrews!
    Don't kid yourself. I'll be back on the rabbit food diet after yesterday's consumption of that nuclear cholesterol bomb of a chorizo burger. But first....BRISKET today! Got the ranch style beans going now that I soaked yesterday. Makin' teh coleslaw here in a bit. Brisky goes on teh UDS sometime after noon! HAH! Now run away before I taunt you a second time!!
    Anyone ever make chile relenos?
    I have non-cow meat product for tomorrow. UDS brisky for Sunday. What you got? hmmmph. Lemme' guess...you're already boozin'.
    Hey JT.. all is well down under.. Weaher is starting to warm up which is great.. have copped the change of season flu though and that's knocked me for a six... Not good but getting over it.. Bring on summer I say! Looking forward to reading some of your reviews... When are they due?
    I haven't looked into the staying part yet, but thanks for the reminder. I'll have to do that when i get back to NY this week. I just finished doing the festival in Florida and go back on Tuesday. I know Buddha should be going and Brian and Marilyn Meagher, but not sure who else. I'll keep you posted on our plans as it drws nearer and I am definately up for whatever after event gath...
    Hell yeah I'm going to Bowers, the more i hear about that one the more I can't wait. Everyone keeps telling me it's an awesome time. I think your gonna really like the new stuff we've done since I saw you last, I'm really happy with the full line right now. I just manufactured two new grilling sauces that we'll be launching at Bowers too!, S#@t, it's right around...
    Review section will be open soon. I'm a busy bee trying/eating/reviewing lots of good stuff. Look for it soon.
    Been busy. Blues stuff. Planning a fishing roadtrip. I gots no game for pics as of late. I'll be right on for t-down day!
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