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  • Rain rain go away
    Please don't send up North :))))))))
    thanks justaguy! Its over here now :lol: we've almost had 10 dry days and sunny. Plants were loving it!
    Yeah, we've only had ONE sunny day in a few weeks here. The pods are NOT happy!
    Jr. helped hold the bucket while I was doing a small harvest. One particular yellow 7Pot had a nice skinny long point almost like a tail. I hand it to him and tell him it is one he hasn't tried(true) and he bites some off that tip and asks "Are these supposed to be fruity?". Then after I comment about the nice flavor he chomps off a big piece and still gets lucky not to get to the interior. The next bite hit him. Oh the times I wish I was doing video.
    5 hours of smoking and 2 in the oven is better then 3 hours of hotter and killing the vent to let them sit in the Weber and dry the rest of the way. Learning this is fun.
    Pepp3rfreak asked Sethsquatch and I to come harvest and clean out his garden. WOOOHOOO. And he wonders why I just randomly drop sauce off at his house. lol
    While stepping into the center of the Red Fatalii bed where Irene made a spot to pick I lost my balance today. Fell and my fat arse destroyed a plant in the back....silver lining? I now have a path to step into the middle instead of stepping over and one less plant to rip out at the end of the year.
    Hiyaahhh ho ho yeee umba umba watzaaaaa bringa dee zun and stoppa dee rain!!!
    weaka waka chewbacca, take this rain and in its place bring in the sun from outer space.
    Rain???!!! This isn't rain, this is a slow tidal wave from the sky. No heavy wind yet *Knock on wood*. I don't think they could handle the wind.
    this is just getting ridiculous
    I have buckets catching rain in the house and some basement water. Could be worse...
    Piney Hab Extreme finally is back.
    I think that is my personal fave along with the habitually orange and the habermelon and the fatalli lime and the seventh circle and the peach hab.
    Habitually Orange restocked.
    what's that one? I guess i can look it up on your website. I am going to have another sauce for Bowers. Fatalii Peach Tangerine. Looking forward to meeting you there.
    Wooooohooo. Praying mantis found in the Fatalii bed the other day. Today I saw one in the new bed out back. Also a baby worm. Never got a chance to catch any to put in there so that is good.
    Irene destroyed my Fatalii Bed......Ugh
    Ouch - sorry to hear that.
    Sorry to hear, I lost most of my peppers last year to a "super cell"-broke every single stem at the base.If the stems aren't broken, there is a chance you know.
    Timmmy newbie
    Timmmy newbie
    Hope you can prune them back a little and save them, fatalii's are really hardy. Good luck
    Time to build up stock. If you are going to Bowers on Friday the 9th and want me to bring something PM me and let me know.
    Pepp3rfreak Thank you for inviting me up to clean your fatalii plants of what you had extra. What a great surprise for a functioning Fatalii addict......Cappyyyy what can I say? Thanks for the flaming box of chocolate fire...thinking some Chocolate Morich Cheesecake using my Chocolate Hab Cheesecake recipe for a fire dessert. Thanks to both of you.
    Pepper Ridge Farm
    Pepper Ridge Farm
    I am thinking some Chocolate Morich and raisins hot sauce. Thanks for making all these amazing sauces Brian.
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