Recent content by Justaguy

  1. Justaguy

    wanted WTB: medium flat rate box of chocolate bhuts

    I am looking for a medium flat rate box of chocolate bhut jolokias(ghost peppers) If you have some to sell please PM me Brian
  2. Justaguy


    Does anyone know a way other then the forum too get in touch with mopeppa ?
  3. Justaguy

    wanted ISO...Biker Billy Jalapenos

    Been a busy year. Bought a house. You can imagine
  4. Justaguy

    wanted ISO...Biker Billy Jalapenos

    I am looking for ripe(red) Biker Billy's. Anyone have a good crop? A large flat rate box full would be preferred but a SFRB OR more would work. PM with a price. Thanks Brian
  5. Justaguy

    hot pepper powders

    I recommend the base of a blender screwed to a mason jar
  6. Justaguy

    Honey and Cowboy Candy

    I have made cowboy candy with serranos and it is messy. Never thought of dehydrating it. How does it end up? Like hard candy?
  7. Justaguy

    Thought I was a badass. I stand corrected.

    Exactly. They have juice on them. I never rinse seeds I save because when I get any in a trade I like to drop a seed on my tongue to get a flavor and heat idea. Rinsed seeds don't allow that pleasure.
  8. Justaguy

    'Training' pepper plants to like clay (artificial selection)

    Research silica and it's wonderful properties and benefits for healthy plants.
  9. Justaguy

    Thought I was a badass. I stand corrected.

    To the OP, the seeds hold no heat. They reside in the placenta coated with capsaicin but don't actually contain capsaicin inside them. I have habanero sauces that have more heat then some ghost sauces. For more heat you need more of the peppers. For flavor alone you just need a few.
  10. Justaguy

    Just got back from Bower's Chile Festival (it was awesome)

    I was there at the field in the morning the the fest. Left around noon. Earlier then past years. Hopefully the Jersey taco fest. Is not the same weekend. There are vendors that haven't been there the last two years, but this year had a great group. JayT arm wrestling a lesbian? I believe that. I...
  11. Justaguy

    Anyone going to Bowers Chile Pepper Festival in Pa this weekend?

    I am bringing the family and friends to watch the sun rise from the field
  12. Justaguy

    what is this egg cluster?

    For knowledge and future reference put in a container and let hatch outside. Then let us know. In the container it will be easier to kill them if bad.
  13. Justaguy

    auction Pepperoncini ripe anyone interested? AUCTION

    Dang I missed it. My attempt at then this year didn't germinate. The lady wanted to try then.
  14. Justaguy

    container-growing Containers vs. Raised Beds

    I use 3 and 5 gallon buckets for isolation and in ground for production.