Like any intolerable woman....Thanks Sandy for giving the cold shoulder as you leave. The garden will survive, but you tried. Flooding enough to short my lights was good, but Plan B goes into effect today.
Looks like this coming weekend will be another nice harvest. If interested in Morougas. Naga Moriche, Fatalii's, Caribbean Red Habs, Or Chocolate Habs let me know.
Putting peach smoked super hot powder in tubes with a funnel is not a good idea with shaky hands. The resulting dust cloud has my eyes and sinuses going crazy, while my mouth is loving it.
Time to harvest again. No help. Neighbor got called back to his old job and kids will be off school soon. Maybe I can wrangle some help from Jr. Yesterday was help harvest a friends garden, today is mine and tomorrow or sunday may be another's garden. Come on winter!!!!!!!
Wash, Rinse, Cut in half to inspect, then freeze..........kind of forgot that dry after rinse and before cut. Tomorrow's weighing and vacuum sealing will be fun.