Recent content by LBTC

  1. LBTC

    misc need yall's opinion.

    that is awsome bubba. :lol: Very happy for you
  2. LBTC

    nothing to do with peppers...

    :D Too Funny!
  3. LBTC

    any suggestions on a sauce for french fries?

    I know this probably sounds weird but I like to mix Hot Sauce and Ranch dressing and dip my fries in it-= Yummy :mouthonfire:
  4. LBTC

    event ZestFest 2006

    I called the Austin Chronicle (responsible for event) regarding the festival. The very nice lady on the phone explained that there will be no information available until May or June and that the event takes place late summer. Apparently we chiliheads are a persistent lot as they have been...
  5. LBTC

    Chuk's Claim to Fame...

    Looks yummy Chuk!
  6. LBTC

    event weird day for a cook off

    If you really want to see how crazy the world and the people who populate it are try working at Disneyland some day. :?:
  7. LBTC

    Spice for soldiers

    I know the Creator is aware of this topic/thread on HSB, but I thought others might be interested . Not only Manufacturers but Non-Manufacturers as well. No matter what your political view is I think that this is a wonderful Idea. We plan on participating in this program. I hope others here...
  8. LBTC

    event ZestFest 2006

    We were going to bring our youngest son (15 Years old) but he is on the High School Football team and the world would have to implode before we could get him to miss a practice let alone skip a game. Not even the bribe of letting him help with the drive down on his newly aquired driving permit...
  9. LBTC

    is it Chilihead of Chilehead?

    Would any of you get upset if I told you it was high 80's low 90's here last weekend? 8)
  10. LBTC

    Who is heading to the Fiery Foods show in March?

    We were hoping to go but it looks like we won't be able to after all. :fireball: I was so looking forward to finally being able to put names and faces together. I won't be able to get the time off from my "outside" job. Plus we have something happening with the business that is set to break...
  11. LBTC

    music what kind of music do you like

    I like pretty much everything. :flamethrower: It depends on my mood. Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Punk, New Wave, Alternative, Jazz, Blues, Classical. Everything from Jethro Tull, Led Zeppelin, B-52's, The Clash, to Black Eyed Peas, Flogging Molly, The Killers, Janis Joplin, The Cranberries, The...
  12. LBTC

    Hello from Des Moines

    Welcome! :twisted:
  13. LBTC

    labels-artwork would re-labeling be wrong?

    Well said Defcon.
  14. LBTC

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year
  15. LBTC

    misc Retail Sales

    Same here. I will PM you our info Pam