Hello all Im just wanted to trade or send a sasbe for these seed crosses.
1. Jigsaw x Chocolate Bhutlah
2. Jigsaw x BBM
3. Jigsaw X Primo
4. Bhulah x Primo
Thank you! Please comment or pm if you can help me out.
Good question. I believe there are different varients of the 7 Pot Brainsrain. I believe the varient that you are referring to looks more like a Moruga, in which case, I've had a hard time telling the difference between it and the Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend or TSMB for short. I believe the...
Gnarly pod Peter! To bad it disappoints. It looked like you got lost in space for a moment there haha. I think Ill grow the Chocolate Reaper instead of the CPR.I bought the seeds from Rocco Maltesi.