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  • Good afternoon to ya. I think I'll park myself in my comfy chair with a book for a while.
    I have tried recipies from english speakers, but I always mess up when it comes to the flower. What kind? Roses? Tulips?
    I'm not cranky at the dog. I have no idea what dog it is so it's kind of pointless;)

    Not entering. I never made a pie in my life unless you count rhubarb crumble. I guess I'll try to make an aussie style meat pie sometime. I will not tell you when just in case I fail miserably...
    Looking at the thread right now. Been busy this morning planting pretty flowers like marigold and begonias (don't tell anyone)

    Also noticed that a dog has walked right through my raised bed where I planted carrots, radishes and onions. But I don't think too much damage was made, it just made some funny loking holes.
    Pizza base, but i rubbed it with egg on the outside hence the stickage.
    Online dating again...

    Is pissed, very pissed as such scared seems far away! :D

    You want me to reinforce fucker?
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