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  • The problem is that I have to get this done, it's the law!

    (Seriously, no one would do this shit if there wasn't a law saying that we have to. Completely pointless.)
    Fuck you! Also fuck me!

    Mel my friend i will never be offended! Now i am NJA"

    Right now I'm bored out of my mind! But I'll get off work early today so that shall be history soon.
    BWHAHAHA i love the way she rubbed her pussy then the black chick licked her lips!! :rofl:

    Yeah Tom is going great guns. Got his cast off today but he still walks like he has it on!
    No one would be able to enjoy bacon again. Some behaviours should stay in (a locked) closet, ha ha ha.
    I was going to say that you should make a video of you trying, but that would be inappropriate.
    I used to say that everything is better with bacon.

    I take that back...

    I'm home alone!

    Time to get reunited with my old friend; porn with the speakers on!

    What's up? Seems like you have stopped posting?
    I'm so sorry to hear that! Ours is sunny, but the heat and humidity are creeping up! It won't keep me from being outside, though!
    Just fine, it seems like we have the same weather today. It was nice and sunny this morning, but now it seems like it's going to start to rain and it's only 14C (Which actually isn't too bad for may)
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