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  • Ja det är planterings jord jag kör till tomaterna ja brukar blanda ut med leca i botten.
    Men just tomaterna planterar jag på friland i växthus nångång undermaj. Brukar dock aldrig ha problem men ja tror den här sorten jag kör nu är lite knepig. Så den är säkert mer krävande.
    Men till chili blir det ju fin fin jord ;) Och hydro.

    Men klart man kanske borde vara lite mer mån om plantorna när dom är små kostar ju inte så mkt extra. Är P-Jorden bra? Antar de iom du kör på den. Men den passar till de mesta eller?
    its been a loooong day... one more day and then new job next week!! bring on the weekend!
    its not illegal to drive in the dark :) i was waiting for Maurice to come home.. we went for a spin and got some dinner.. now i'm wondering if its worth driving it to the station for the next two days to leave it parked there or wait till i start my new job and have proper parking.. thinking i'll get maurice to drop me offf.. the train station i park at is pretty dodge :) i looooooooooove my new car.. checking out dog car seat covers so the dogs can come wiht us in the new car :)
    cause its dark now!! I took it for a bit of a run already :) save a good drive for the weekend ;)
    fan vad du skrämde mig, jag trodde att det var Usama som hade kommit för att döda mig. Men det var bara Mr Bean Laden.... puh
    How true is that! LOL no cricket,soccer,bong olympics, football, LOLOLOL
    wild rabbit tastes great... farmed rabbit i could take or leave... and its way too expensive at the butcher! $16AUD for one!!! spring time (after they've had their babies) is the best time to go hunting for them...

    what are you sooking for ?? you get all sorts of game meat that we dont get!
    fair enough MrArboc.. i guess here in AUS we just dont see enough of it to prove what it is thats causing it :)
    i dont know?? is it happening?? this kind of weather happened in 1923 so is global warming really real or is it just a cycle???
    lol... prolly... but apart from the sleeping pills rather stay away :) i'm generally cheery :) just wintertime sucks.. and we only get it for a few months a year!! this year its coming unusually late which is a good thing... gooo global warming!! (if it even exists!)
    yeah... prolly best to stay in aus.. i like the sun... i get depressed in aussie winters... imagine what i'd be like in your part of the world!!
    lol i'd love too.. but i freaked out when i was in the UK for two weeks in January (about 10 years back)... couldnt handle the cold and early dark nights.. I have seen snow a total of two times in my 30 years :)
    all that snow freaks me out!! i cant imagine what it would be like to live with it :)
    thsat is one freaky pic!!! although dont ya kinda wish it was coke?? imagine the $$ you could make???

    here I am about a cool wind.. dont i feel like a whinger!!
    very pretty brother :) is it the bear or the dude? not sure what will be on tomorrow but very little :)
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