its a shitty job and its soooo gross! should be all fixed tomorrow.. atm we have a 4ft hole in the front yard that fills up with whatever we flush through the toilet or rinse through the sink.. at least no dishes till tomororow
lol... no sleep for a while yet... and the weekends plans are lots of digging in the front yard.. dont think it will be fun and will need lots of beer tomorrow night to remove the memory of digging up crap
(our sewer pipe is busted and in need of replacement.. hopefully tomorrow it all gets fixed!)
lol... no sleep for a while yet... and the weekends plans are lots of digging in the front yard.. dont think it will be fun and will need lots of beer tomorrow night to remove the memory of digging up crap
(our sewer pipe is busted and in need of replacement.. hopefully tomorrow it all gets fixed!)
lol... no sleep for a while yet... and the weekends plans are lots of digging in the front yard.. dont think it will be fun and will need lots of beer tomorrow night to remove the memory of digging up crap
(our sewer pipe is busted and in need of replacement.. hopefully tomorrow it all gets fixed!)
lol... no sleep for a while yet... and the weekends plans are lots of digging in the front yard.. dont think it will be fun and will need lots of beer tomorrow night to remove the memory of digging up crap
(our sewer pipe is busted and in need of replacement.. hopefully tomorrow it all gets fixed!)
Looks like your dinner is great. Time for me to do something productive which in my world means I'll be back here soon. Who am I kidding, I'll let someone else clean up or throw away the dishes!
Yes. I bet you just thought that you met a woman who could stop yapping. I could have had someone bring me a computer but why bother? Time to check on the second batch of chicken. The wussy version for the spice wimps. The more I stay away from the computer the less time spent blabbing about myself. Don't you all know more than you want or need to?
Microwaving. The less fuss the better. Just got out of the hospital less than 48 hours. The less work the better. What do you mean are WE grilling? I don't see you here, where are you hiding?