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  • I become way too attached to the people i love. I can't help it. Anytime there is a loss it is extremely devastating to me.
    I had a very hard time with it after my father's death and my separation/divorce all happening within the same year. I had nothing to be cheerful about for a long time. I've been getting better at it, though. Much better to be precise.
    Oh yeah. I can't do it nowadays, of course, but as a child yes, it was an awesome time of year for me. Well, i've been getting better at it lately. It was very hard to get "in the spirit" for a very long time for me.
    True. I need to join the Beer Church myself. Or maybe the Ex- communicated Mormon drinking team.....
    I can't say i've ever done a curtsy at church.......although i'd feel really weird if i had to.
    I always hated the idea of the no meat on friday thing......that and everytime i went to a Catholic service(yes, i've been to a few) it always felt like i was in an aerobics class.....you know, stand, sit, kneel, sit, stand, sit, kneel, etc.
    A follower of the Episcopal church. I'm not very familiar with it, though. My guess for you would be Protestant.
    You can ask whatever you want. I was baptised Episcopalian(even though my father was Lutheran), but i hardly ever went to church. I basically have no faith now whatsoever, but i still do believe in God in a christian sense of the word. And also, thats why i said i put Avi in front of me with the order. You and i have the list the almost the same, with the only difference is i have myself and work split into two separate things.
    Thats the order it's supposed to be.......... YOU, your family, your faith(if you're spiritual or religious), then your job. Well, in my mind thats how it should be....although i tend to put Avalon before me.
    Yeah, fuck that. That kind of shit isn't cool at all. Definitely do not let them push you around like that either.
    Oh, you'll be fine. No worries, mate. So what kind of extra work do they give you there?
    6 Weeks? Wow, thats some trip. The only way i could keep my job after being gone that long was if i was back in the US military.
    I'm good. I was just bummed that i wasn't able to reach you yesterday. How are you doing, love?
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