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  • I always worry if i send you a text that you won't get it. But just call me paranoid.
    Did you get my text last night? I hope i didnt wake you up with it(and this proves i think about you constantly, btw)
    You can't help it. Thats like me trying to stay away from the beer section at the store.....good luck. It isn't going to happen.
    If you see a floating body try to get to it and see if it's got a wallet. Could turn out to be a decent payday, you know?
    Yep. It's good genetics, dear. My friend Gudrun is the same way. I laugh at the fact i smoke and can ride a bicycle for 40 plus miles easy and 80% of the nonsmokers i know can't even do 10.
    I'm the same way. I haven't been sick at all since i had bronchitis about 8 years ago.
    I'm half expecting some of these idiots here to start the doing the same silly shit they did with the bird flu scare, such as buying a shitload of sauerkraut because someone said that eating sauerkraut will kill the bird flu. How stupid can someone be?
    I guess it's doing it's thing. A 2 year old passed away from it here yesterday. I'm not worried about it too much though. I have been stocking up on the cheap pork because of it.
    So then just back off the gravy a bit, hon. And it seems Murphy is a very good dog. At least for putting up with you blaming him all the time.
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