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  • I just told i buddy at work that i'm tired of being old and ugly and he said it sucks to be me because they haven't invented a time machine yet and i can't afford plastic surgery. That God this cat is a friend of mine, huh?
    We just tend to be pretty straight forward and rather boisterous. And yes, you are definitely wrong about me.....
    Not really. Most of us are pricks, actually. I just try to be a nicer prick than most.
    A bit quieter than usual i'd have to say. I hate to break it to you, but i don't have a balcony. I live in a ground floor apartment,
    Hmmm, i have to say i completely agree with the first 2 lines of her version......to answer your question no, i don't have a kitchen door.....well, not anymore. The house i grew up in was about 150 years old and it had kitchen doors.
    Yeah, i've heard that....my pop and his friends used to sing that when they got trashed sometimes.....made for quite a sight to see
    That can be arranged, my dear. I think you'd really like Anna Maria island....It's an awesome place to put around on a bike on......too bad the property taxes make it so pricey to live there. When my friend Gudrun used to live there, i'd leave work and go straight to her house on a friday night, and never even get back into the car until monday a.m. to go to work.
    My weekend was good. I had to work saturday out at the farm, and i spent sunday riding the bike around the island. It was hot as hell sunday. Almost 90F out. And yes, i look like a lobster....again.
    I'm sorry baby i got busy as hell here. How've you been? My day was starting to suck ass here but now that you're back it's brightened up again. Thank you.
    I GOT YOUR CARD TODAY!!!!!! And i love it. I sent yours out yesterday(sorry i got a bit busy) so it should be 5 to 10 days from today. Forgive me for being late with sending it out.
    No problem. I'm going to be missing you too this weekend, hon. Have a good weekend, beautiful. Cheers!
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