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  • Can't say that i've had actually. I'm really not sure what that dude's accent was, Nick said it was cockney though. He said it took him a while to get used to the accents there, but they seemed to have much more fun with him and his New York accent.
    I've heard a couple that were really tough....one was an older gentleman who, when he spoke, it sounded more like he was coughing and clearing his throat and mumbling all at once. And the other was my friend Nick, who when he was stationed at RAF Mildenhall, i called him once and the guy who answered the phone had a hardcore cockney accent. It took me about 15 minutes to understand the guy.
    And i fully intend to continue to be there for you at any time.....just gotta work out the cell phone issues on my end.
    If i were you i just wouldn't clock out for a break and then see what happens. And no, you're not being thick, i just wasn't sure if i offended you or not.
    I only get 5 paid holidays off, and 2 weeks paid vacation a year. No sick time at all. So did you miss the pick-up line i threw at you?
    I work 7:30 am to 5 pm, so its 9 and a half hours a day. I'm salaried though(and on commission), so no overtime.

    So hey if i said you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?LOL
    Damn...you're making almost as much as i do here selling parts 5 days a week.....apparently i'm in the wrong line of work. And yes, i intend to keep all the bikes i own.
    Doesn't it feel great to know you're wanted? My day is absolutely killer!!! I got my stolen bike back last night, my commission check is through the roof this month, it's friday and i'm here talking to you. How much more perfect could it get?
    In about an hour from now. And don't be sorry, i was just kidding about it, beautiful.
    No need to thank me dearest, for i get the same pleasure out of conversing with you as well. Have a good evening then. Cheers!
    I believe we have much more in common than one might realize, and on many different levels too.
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