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  • Yes, i've been told i "fake it" very well at times. Funny how you always seem to come across as brilliant to me, and i feel like my head's stuck up my ass again.
    Nice. I do the same thing. I've had way too many credit problems in the past to deal with any sort of credit anymore. If i dont have the cash, i dont buy. Period.
    Yeah, you got me. I forgot about the e before i thing in feisty. I think the smart cars are kind of ridiculous. Here they cost around 20 thousand and a Yaris is about 12.
    You need to find a letter "Y" for her car and put it next to "Fiest". That would be hysterical.
    Good job saving. I blew most of mine getting my bike. Oh, well, i'll just start all over again. So have you decided on which car you want? I'd have to say the Yaris is a good choice for you.
    Oh, yes definitely. I rode the new bike in and it's a beautiful day out here. How was yours?
    Really? I always thought for some reason that i liked you more than you liked me. I definitely prefer to be around you.
    So it turns out it's about 562 pounds for 8 nights where you work. Thats not too bad actually.
    Ha cool now i have an idea where you work at......and now i can show up and surprise you one day at work
    My weekend was a madhouse saturday. I rode my new bike out to the Cortez fish festival and wound up with 2 flat tires AND my key broke off in my bike lock, so i had to take a bus to Walmart to get a couple of tubes and some bolt cutters to free it up. And i was buzzed as all hell from all the beer i was consuming. Sunday though i got to relax a bit. How was yours?
    Same here, doll, same here. Have a good evening and a good weekend. I'll miss you. Cheers!
    Indeed real life would be much better....although i have to warn you, if i go over there to meet you in person there's a really good chance i'm not going to want to leave. Ever. So just be warned.
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