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  • My love, you have no idea how tempting that is for me. Seriously. I would love to do that with you.
    Just anything you could imagine going wrong in retail. Wrong parts ordered by techs, wrong parts shipped, people making promises that can't be kept, and its all up to me to attempt damage control......again.
    It also seems to me that youre understaffed too. I guess that doesnt help either. I say take the day off.
    It almost sounds like here. There's a very small window for vacations here and they have to be scheduled quite a few months in advance. How did you just gain it and it's already at a use it or lose it situation? That doesn't make any sense.
    It's turning into a typical monday here. Hell i knew it was going downhill when my coffee got cold and my ice water got tepid within like 20 minutes.
    Just that everything that can go wrong has already. It makes me want to go jump off a bridge sometimes.
    I never said you were, nor did i imply it at all(at least i don't think i did). I just guessed that you probably don't like heavy traffic driving and/or high speed stuff either.
    Hey as long as you meant well thats what matters. Besides, if he'd have seen you he might have run off the road.......you know, with all that beauty you're packin.
    A little out of order yes. I dont mind running some errands but damn don't make a profit on the wear and tear on my car or on my gas either you know? A little compensation is in order i believe.
    I'd be thrilled about finding some stella after drinking that other stuff. Just too bad it wasn't found sooner. Wait a minute....why do you have Fosters in your house anyways? I thought you lived in a Stella-only zone.
    I guess in a certain sense beer is beer, you know? As for amber nectar i would lean more towards amber panther piss if i had to describe it.
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